After the three men left, the guests present asked Xie An, "Who was the better of the three sages just now?" Xie An said: "The smallest is the best." The guest asked, "How do you know?" Xie An said: "Good people talk less, but impatient people talk more.
The degree is inferred from these two sentences. "Analysis: Xie An inferred from Wang Xianzhi's sedate reticence that he was the best among the brothers, which can be described as a unique eye.
"Lucky people are widowed" means that kind people are sincere and honest, so they talk less; Impetuous people talk a lot, but their answers often seem frivolous. The original text is as follows: Wang Huangmen's three brothers are grateful to the public, and they talk more about secular things with Zi Zhong, who respects the cold and warms up.
After getting off the bus, the guest asked Xie Gong, "Which of the three sages is better?" Xie Gong said, "The youngest wins." The guest said, "How do you know?" Xie Gong said: "Lucky people talk less, impetuous people talk more.
Just push this. "。
2. Xie An's insight into the translation of classical Chinese: Wang Ziyou, assistant minister of Huangmen, went to visit Xie An together. Yan Zi and Zida talked more about their daily affairs, while Amethyst just exchanged a few pleasantries. After the three men left, the guests present asked Xie An, "Who was the better of the three sages just now?" Xie An said: "The smallest is the best." The guest asked, "How do you know?" Xie An said: "Good people talk less, but impatient people talk more. The degree is inferred from these two sentences. "
Analysis: Xie An inferred from Wang Xianzhi's composure and silence that he was the best among the brothers, which was a unique opinion. "Lucky people are widowed" means that kind people are sincere and honest, so they talk less; Impetuous people talk a lot, but their answers often seem frivolous.
The original text is as follows:
Wang Huangmen's three brothers all want to thank the public, and talk more about secular things with Zi Zhong, who respects the cold and warms his heart. After getting off the bus, the guest asked Xie Gong, "Which of the three sages is better?" Xie Gong said, "The youngest wins." The guest said, "How do you know?" Xie Gong said: "Lucky people talk less, impetuous people talk more. Push this and you will know. "
3. What is a discerning person? Insight means being able to see clearly a person's abilities, his qualities, his intentions and distinguish between good and evil.
First, the eye 1, the definition (1) refers to the wisdom that can see the reality clearly. ② refers to keen eyesight.
2. Quote Xu Chi's Goldbach conjecture: "Xiong Qingli recognized it with his eyes, and Hua recognized Jingrun with his eyes." Second, knowing people 1, the definition refers to knowing people.
2. Quote Volume 20 of the first edition of Surprise: "My father knows people best, or even a good man." Extended information 1. The synonym of discerning people-discerning people are unique: 1. Interpretation can see things that others can't see, and describe sharp eyes and superb opinions.
2. Lead the bear "Zhang" Volume II 1 1: "The first emperor chose you as his life minister, which can be described as a unique eye." Second, the antonym of the discerning person-as blind as a bat: 1, which means no eyes, is used to call people blind and can't see the greatness or importance of someone or something.
2. Quote Wu Chengen and the 22nd Journey to the West: "Master, the disciple is as blind as a bat, and I don't know the master." .
4. What is a discerning person? To know people with an eye is to look at a person's ability, gain insight into a person's quality, and see his intentions by observing his words and deeds. Distinguish between good and evil and be reasonable.
Extended data:
Seeing the wrong person is the worst and most likely mistake. It is better to be deceived in the price of goods than in the quality of goods. Dealing with people requires insight into people, people and people's hearts more than anything else.
We have to face a very complicated crowd all the time. How should we know them? This requires us to cultivate a pair of discerning eyes, which can accurately know and judge people. Judging people is a profound philosophy, and we should study people as deeply as a study book. As Freud, a western psychologist, once said, "No one can keep the secret of his heart.
Even if his mouth is silent and his fingertips tremble, even his every pore will betray him! Therefore, people are like a book. As long as we can master the necessary reading methods and skills, we can read people as books in our hands.
At the same time, we can fully understand human nature, and then we can face all sentient beings with a warm and confident attitude. Once you have developed your eyesight and mind, understood the truth in human nature, and gained the ability to understand people's hearts, it means that you can see through people and things in life and discover the authenticity of a person.
From a person's speech and behavior, we can easily identify others, deeply understand their inner dynamics, understand the changes in the world, distinguish between true and false, and more accurately understand the truth and mystery hidden behind all illusions.
In this way, we can calmly face all kinds of setbacks and hardships. At the same time, we can always take the initiative in the complicated social relations, smoothly bypass the dangerous beaches in life, avoid the danger of hitting the wall everywhere, eliminate the danger, integrate into society more calmly, and calmly deal with the challenges of life.
Sogou encyclopedia-discerning person
5. Liu Xuan studied hard to become a translator of classical Chinese. During the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Xuan of Ji 'an was a soldier in Wei Longxiang, the capital of Ji 'an, and raised horses for Wei. Liu Xuan studied in the stable day and night, but Wei didn't know about it at first. Liu Xuan happened to talk about Chunqiu with a private school teacher. The teacher was surprised at his talent and told Wei Shi about it. Wei is very kind to Liu Xuan. Soon, Liu Xuan took part in the imperial examination and won the top prize. During the examination, Liu Xuan presided over the examination. He was very surprised at his article and thought it must have been written by an old scholar in the mountains. When it was unsealed, he didn't know it was Liu Xuan's article. Only then did people know about Liu Xuan, and Liu Xuan's reputation as a "discerning person" became more famous.
Name of the work
Liu Xuan studied hard to become a genius.
Year of creation
the Ming Dynasty
Source of works
Yutang Yu Cong
Literary genre
classical Chinese
Jiao Hong
original text
Jingtai (1) and Liu An (2) were stationed in Wei Longxiang, the capital, as guardians of livestock and horses, reading in the stables day and night, which made me ignorant at first. The husband and wife talked about Spring and Autumn Annals, and the teacher was amazed. I use words to make it simple. Several (5) and solution (6). When taking the solution, Princess Liu Wen tried it, and was shocked by its article. She said that it is a "beginning" to unseal the work of the old Confucian in Shanlin. Knowing the public and knowing people's names is beneficial? .
To annotate ...
① Jingtai: the year number of Zhu Qiyu, Emperor Taizong of Ming Dynasty.
② Liu: Wait.
(3) for (defending livestock and horses): for.
④ Language: talking and telling.
(5) Not long: Soon, not for a while.
Answer: (Liu Xuan took the imperial examination) He got an answer in the exam. In the legal circle, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the first place for juren after the provincial examination was Xie Yuan, and the first place for juren after the examination was the legal circle. First, the imperial examination, especially the Jinshi in the examination, was only used for the top three in the court examinations of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
⑦ Gong Xuan: Liu Xuan by Liu Wengong is the same as Wengong below.
8 dumbfounded (its text): Right. . Surprise.
Pet-name ruby said.
Will: Sure.
? Fang (at first): Understand.
? Title: Famous.
[13] Benefits: More
[14] Know: I understand.
During the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Xuan of Ji 'an took the place of others as a soldier in Wei Longxiang, the capital city, and raised horses for Wei Shi, who studied in the stable day and night. Wei Shi didn't know it at first. Liu Xuan happened to talk about Chunqiu with a private school teacher. The teacher was surprised at his ability and told Wei Shi about it. Wei is very kind to Liu Xuan. Soon, Liu Xuan made a list and passed the exam. During the exam, Liu Xuan presided over the exam and was stunned by his article. He thought it must be the work of an old Confucian scholar who had read many poems. When it was unsealed, he didn't know it was Liu Xuan's article, but people knew Liu Xuan. Liu Xuan's reputation as a scholar is even greater.
A man who raised horses in the army was admitted to Jinshi. This is not a fantasy, but a historical record. This just verifies the famous saying that "gold always shines", and it is not empty talk that knowledge changes destiny.