As a person, you must have a broad mind. Look at the sea, which has gathered all the rivers and finally achieved your own greatness. Therefore, as a person, you must be able to listen to the opinions of others. This is the mind of a strong person; as a person, you must also persevere. One's own principles, not agreeing with others, are like towering mountains. They do not condescend to others just because of the charm of flowers and plants, so they can be strong and strong. Therefore, people cannot be instigated by others and have no independent opinion. If you can do this, then You can become a strong person.
From a self-encouragement couplet written in the study room by the national hero Lin Zexu: "The sea embraces all rivers, and tolerance is great; if you stand thousands of feet high on a wall, you will be strong if you have no desire."
The sea can accommodate hundreds of rivers, and its tolerance is great: the sea can accommodate thousands of rivers, and because it has such a broad mind, it is the greatest in the world (educate people to be broad-minded in order to become great)