This sentence comes from The Analects written by Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period. The original sentence was Confucius: "an upright man is open and poised, the villain cares about the country and the people." The sentence is magnanimous, a petty man is anxious and worried.. "is a famous saying since ancient times, which means that a gentleman is reasonable and a villain is always worried." "Openness" means flatness; "Swing" refers to a broad appearance. "Long" means often. "Sorrow" means sadness.
Confucius said, "A gentleman is aboveboard, while a villain haggles over every ounce." Many people often write this as a banner and hang it in their rooms to motivate themselves. Confucius believes that as a gentleman, you should have a broad mind, tolerate others, tolerate all kinds of events, regardless of personal gains and losses. It is impossible to be a gentleman if you are narrow-minded, embarrassed by others, embarrassed by yourself, and often embarrassed.
Appreciation of Analects of Confucius, Schur
This gentleman is open-minded, frank and clean, and his appearance and movements are also very comfortable and steady; Little people have too many inner desires and a heavy psychological burden, so they are often worried, worried, restless in appearance and movements, often fidgeting and emotionally unstable.
Open-minded people do not worry about things, but act according to the degree and are fearless; People who care about things are too busy, too concerned about things, and describe things as too haggard. The sentence is magnanimous, a petty man is anxious and worried.. "is a famous saying since ancient times. Many people often write this as a banner and hang it in their rooms to motivate themselves.
A gentleman demands himself by the law of heaven and earth, so he feels at ease. Small people are enslaved by foreign things, seeking fame and profit, and often worry about calculation. It can be seen that a gentleman cultivates himself, restrains himself through the laws of nature, and achieves the realm of harmony between man and nature; And the villain, because he does not cultivate self-cultivation, pursues fame and fortune, and constantly haggles over every ounce to satisfy his own selfish desires.
The above content refers to Baidu Encyclopedia-an upright man is open and poised, but a petty person is anxious and worried. ..