1. Don't wear too warm clothes: parents are most afraid of children's clothes. In fact, infants and young children should not wear too warm clothes. Otherwise, it will be harmful, not beneficial. In the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang criticized that some families raised young children in midsummer, and when it was a little cold, they locked them in secret rooms, built stoves or heated kang, and lowered curtains. In order to prevent a chill from invading the room. Tang Biao pointed out in The Goddaughter's Legacy that children should "wear thin cloth, rather thin than thick". The Book of Rites Quli says, "Teenagers don't wear fur." Qiu is wearing a fur coat. Although it is warm to wear, it is not suitable for children. The petticoat is a lower skirt, which is inconvenient for children to wear, so there is no need to wear it. In order to exercise children's cold tolerance, we should not only wear less clothes. But also let them go outside to watch the windy weather from an early age. Xue Kai, a doctor in Ming Dynasty, advocated that babies should "watch the weather every few days". If this is the case, "blood is thick and muscles are dense." If it is hidden in a heavy curtain room, or the thick clothes are too warm, the bones and muscles are soft and brittle, and it is easy to get sick if it is not cold. " Ming Taizu Bao further supplemented this principle, thinking that when the weather is warm, babies who can't walk can be "carried out of Japan" by their parents or nannies, and children who can walk can be allowed to play in the sun.
2. Don't eat too much: The ancients thought that eating and wearing are the two most important aspects to protect children, and letting children eat too much and wear too warm is the root of all diseases. So we must follow the principle of "don't eat too much, don't wear too warm clothes". Qian Yi, a famous pediatrician in the Song Dynasty, even advocated that "children must be hungry and cold if they want to be safe", which became a famous parenting saying. How to eat and what to eat are conducive to the growth of infants and young children. China has accumulated rich experience in ancient times. In children's diet, the ancients also paid attention not to make children partial eclipse, but to be addicted to food. If you let something you like go on eating indefinitely, it will definitely affect your health.
3. Make it cry: Tang Biao said in the "Goddaughter Regulations": "When a child is born, don't hug it, don't wrap it, let it cry." It's too much for a child to make him cry, but it makes sense to ignore him or her. Crying is naturally sometimes due to some physical discomfort, and adults should take care of it, especially the newborn baby. For him, crying is an exercise. Zhang said in The Scholars: "When a husband gives birth, he has no choice but to cry." It is not only bad for your health, but also easy to form bad habits to pick up food or meet other unreasonable requirements when you cry. Children will use crying as a weapon to make demands on adults. According to Chinese medicine, crying can clear fire and clear heat, and parents don't have to do everything possible to coax their children not to cry.
4. Safety avoidance: Young children are young, holding things and walking unsteadily, so parents must pay attention to support them. Dr. Ming Wanquan pointed out in his book "Secrets of Parenting Family: Raising Children to Prevent Old Age and Disease" that children "can sit and do things and then raise them. Don't let it fall. " In addition, children are naturally curious and love to touch this and that, but they don't understand the danger. Therefore, in children's living environment, risk factors should be eliminated to ensure children's safety. Wanquan's "Secrets of Baby Care" pointed out: "Children play and frolic, often in the present, but can't go. But don't let it make swords, street copper coins, near fire and near water. " "Children's Language" also emphasizes not to let children get close to "fire and water scissors" and not to "fall around".
5. Avoid fright: Sudden appearance of monsters, abnormal sounds or sudden movements in front of children will cause diseases, which is not good for children's physical and mental development. Wanquan's Secret of Baby Care points out: "Children are weak and suddenly see extraordinary things and people they don't know;" Or smell chickens crowing and dogs barking, or see cattle, horses and animals, playing and scaring; Or when people shout, thunder and sharp explosions make those who don't wake up sick. " He also said: "Where children play, don't falsely refer to other things as insects and snakes. When a child cries, he doesn't dress up or play tricks to stop him from crying and make him upset. "