Many a mickle makes a mickle, and a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Without the accumulation of every small step, a person can't walk a thousand miles.
You can't become a river without accumulating small streams.
Leap, not ten steps; This is a great contribution to the success of Ma Xu.
If you carve but give up halfway, even a rotten piece of wood will not break; If you keep carving, even metal and stone can be carved.
Grapes are maturing bit by bit, and knowledge is accumulated day by day. (Afghanistan)
The road can only come to an end if you keep walking. (Vietnam)
Always walk with one foot in front and one foot in the back. (Arabia)
It's a long way to go, Xiu Yuan, and big things start with small things. (Mongolia)
Accumulated soil makes mountains, and water drops make oceans.
The daily plan is insufficient, and the annual plan is surplus.
The rope saws wood, but water drops stones.
Many a mickle makes a mickle? amount to
String sesame seeds? Happened; amount to
Pick up sesame seeds? amount to
Pick up sesame seeds? Not a day's work; amount to
Open a mountain and level the ground? amount to
Current savings? amount to
The wind blows garbage? amount to
Looking for gold in the sand? amount to
Will water droplets wear away stones? Spend time and effort
Gong Yu moved mountains? Spend time and effort
Iron pestle grinding embroidery needle? Not a day's work; Continuous efforts are bound to succeed
Pick up sesame seeds? Not a day's work; amount to
A drop of water wears away a stone? Spend time and effort
Drip wears away the stone? Spend time and effort
Cotton players marry wives? Not a day's work; Not a day's bow