As a husband and a gentleman, you should cultivate your character with tranquility and cultivate your virtue with frugality. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no far-reaching goal.
Only by not pursuing fame and wealth, and living a simple and simple life, can you show your ambitions; by not pursuing excitement, and only by having a peaceful and quiet mind, can you achieve lofty goals.
Tranquility is harmony, and tranquility is the process of finding yourself. Truly understand what you are and find your own happiness. This state is quiet, self-sufficient and comfortable. It is closer to the Tao and the real person. I also found my own Buddha.
Only by being indifferent and giving up can we gain and transcend. Only in tranquility and silence can we understand the truth and ourselves. When self-cultivation matures and the time is right, it will be different. The so-called great hermit is hidden from the world, while the small hermit is hidden in the wild.
Since Dayin has its own self, it does not matter whether it is self or in the world, so it is clear about its aspirations. You will not be influenced by others. You will only use your ambition, charm and wit to convince and influence others and achieve your goals. Only after the tranquility has passed, can we step into the hustle and bustle and face the noise and interference. At this time, our attitude is to help the world, to change the people, to face the world actively, to seek solutions, and to influence the world with a solid and tenacious self.