This sentence comes from "Yan Yuan" in the Analects of Confucius. The complete sentence context is "A gentleman is respectful and respectful to others, and he is respectful and polite to others. All are brothers in the four seas."
< p>The source of the allusion is that Sima Niu, a disciple of Confucius, once asked Confucius how to be a gentleman. Confucius said: "A gentleman is not worried or afraid." Sima Niu asked: "If he is not sad or afraid, is he called a gentleman?" Confucius said: "A gentleman often reflects on himself; therefore, he has no guilt in his heart, so what else can he do? What about sorrow and fear?"After Sima Niu said goodbye to Confucius, he met his senior brother Zixia. He was worried and said: "Everyone has brothers, how happy they are, but I don't have them." Zixia comforted him and said, "I have heard that: "A person's death and life must be governed by fate, and wealth and rank are governed by destiny. It is arranged by God. ’ A gentleman is careful and conscientious in his work and makes no mistakes; he is respectful and courteous in his dealings with others.
Then there are brothers everywhere in the world, why should a gentleman worry about not having any brothers?"
1, New Year wishes come early, and sincerely wish you a happy New Year; In the new year, you will make a fortune and cherish it, and the whole fa