? All who received him believed in his name, and he gave them authority to be children of God.
? These are not born by the body, nor by lust, nor by human will, but by God.
? John 1: 12- 13
? Trust in the Lord with all your heart, not in your own understanding.
On all your paths, know him, and he will show you the way.
? Proverbs 3:5-6
? I tell you these things so that you may have peace in me. In this world, you have suffering. But don't worry, I have won the world.
? John 16:33
? Not only that, but we are also happy in trouble. Knowing adversity can cultivate patience.
? Patience breeds maturity. Experience breeds hope.
? Hope is not shameful, because the holy spirit given to us pours God's love into our hearts.
? Romans 5:3-5
? As long as you ask confidently, there is no doubt. Because people who doubt are like waves in the sea, tossed and tossed by the wind.
? Such a person should not ask God for anything.
? A half-hearted person has no fixed views on all roads.
? James 1:6-8
? That Christ may dwell in your hearts through your faith, and that your love may have roots and foundations.
? I can understand how long and profound Christ's love for all saints is.
? Knowing that this love is beyond man's reach, he has filled you with all that God has filled.
? Ephesians 3: 17- 19
? From now on, no one will bother me. Because I have the mark of Jesus on me.
Galatians 6: 17
? Do not be sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Nehemiah 8: 10