Filial son, pronounced as xiào zǐ, is a Chinese word, which means a son who is filial to his parents and a son who is filial to his parents after their death. Confucius believes that filial piety is the foundation of all morality and the supreme virtue. A dutiful son who can serve his parents should usually take care of his parents with the most sincere mood; Strive to serve parents and take care of them; When your parents die, you should remember them with the saddest feelings.
Famous sayings of filial piety to parents
1. All the glory and pride in the world come from mothers. Gorky
2. Old age is like a nightingale, and there should be his serenade. -(Germany) Kant
3. The power to build and consolidate a family is love, which is the loyal and pure love between father and mother, father and child, mother and child. -Suhomlinski
As a father, the greatest pleasure lies in being able to inspire and educate his children according to the road he has traveled in his lifetime. -Montaigne
5, hard work does not teach parents to suffer, and sorrow does not teach parents to worry. It means: don't let parents suffer, don't let parents share their worries. From "Persuade to repay kindness".