1, so Mr. Cao must be a saint of Confucius; If Xiangzi can't remember what Confucius looks like, whether Confucius likes it or not, he should be like Mr. Cao.
Appreciation: It highlights Xiangzi's respect and love for Mr. Cao.
2. He seems to see that he has no amazing talent and can make some earth-shattering careers, so he arranges his work and family according to his ideal; Although it doesn't help the society, at least I am willing to match my words with my deeds. I don't want to be a fake.
Appreciation: It highlights Mr. Cao's openness and uniqueness, as well as his own principles and thoughts.
He has never met anyone like Mr. Cao, so he regards this person as a saint.
Appreciation: At that time, few people wrote as kind, kind, compassionate and considerate as Mr. Cao. It set off the indifference of the society at that time.
Gao Ma's handwriting is like a phonograph. They said it in a circle, and everyone said it inside, without any trace of transition.
Appreciation: The use of figurative rhetoric highlights Gao Ma's kindness and ability to handle affairs.
This kind of thing can never be washed off, just like a black scar on meat.
Appreciation: Using figurative rhetoric to highlight Xiangzi's regret, chagrin, confusion and helplessness.