-Grant Bright
Knocking down something, especially when it stands at an arrogant angle, is an extreme blood pleasure.
George Santayana
Worry is like a rocking chair ... it gives you something to do, but in the end you will accomplish nothing.
There is nothing to be afraid of in life, only to be understood. It's time to know more, so that we can be less afraid.
Marie Curie
It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 muscles to frown.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people and make you feel worthwhile.
-Helm Albright
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Ask yourself if you are happy and if you are no longer happy.
John stuart Mill
... I'm going crazy. I can't stand it anymore!
Howard beale
Look at this website, there are many!