Having said that, you may ask why you should study hard. Because learning is also practice, continuous learning and practice are the basis and source for people to acquire talents. As long as you study hard, dare to learn, dare to ask questions, turn what you don't understand into what you understand, and keep increasing your knowledge. On the contrary, if you are half-hearted, don't pretend to understand, try your luck in your study and cheat, you will accomplish nothing.
I think everyone knows the story of the hanging beam. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a famous politician named Sun Jing. Every day from morning till night, he often forgets to eat and sleep. After a long time, he didn't rest, and he dozed off wearily. Afraid of affecting his study, he tied his hair with a rope and tied it to the beam. When you doze off like this, you will wake up as soon as your head is lowered and the rope pulls your hair. It can be seen how much we ancient people love learning!
Are you Einstein? He is a great scientist, but his grades in middle school are not good. He was admitted to the university twice, and his study was not outstanding. After graduation, he found a job for a long time. For seven years, he studied and worked tenaciously under extremely difficult conditions, and finally sketched out the theoretical basis of relativity in his spare time.
It can be seen that the natural knower does not exist and the genius does not exist. Although people's talents are different, they mainly come from hard work. There is nothing in the world that you can't learn. The question is whether you are willing to study. If you get into the habit of studying hard from an early age, you will be more talented than the average person. However, people mistakenly think that you are a genius and call you a prodigy. In fact, the talents of genius and prodigy are mainly acquired through hard work.
"Bao Jianfeng has been honed, and plum blossoms are bitter and cold." Let's study hard, become the pillar of the motherland, the dazzling star in the world, and make contributions to the future of the motherland!