Oranges are born in Huainan and oranges are born in Huaibei.
Meaning: Citrus grows in the south of Huaihe River, which is citrus, and grows in the north of Huaihe River, which becomes bitter orange.
Moral: The same thing, due to different objective factors, shows different states, and its final development is also different.
From Yan Zi's Chunqiu Miscellaneous Ten
Huaishang orange is bitter orange.
Yan Zi was coming to Chu, and when Chu heard about it, he said to the left and right, "Yan Ying, a poet of Qi, came today, and I want to humiliate him. Why? " The left and right said, "For the sake of coming, please tie up a man and walk past the king. The king said, "What is it?" Right:' Qi people are also.' The king said, "Why sit down?" Say, "Sit down and steal." "The king of Chu Yanzi gave Yanzi wine, and he drank it. Two officials tied a man to the king, and the king said, "Tie who?" He said, "Qi people are also thieves. The King of Qi looked at Yan Zi and said, "Are Qi people good at stealing?" ? Yan Zi avoided the table and said, "Babies can smell it, but oranges were born in Huainan and oranges were born in Huaibei. Leaves are similar to disciples, but they taste different. What's that? Soil and water are different. Now people's livelihood is better than Qi's, but they stole it when they went to Chu. If they have water and soil without Chu, the people will be good at stealing. " Wang said with a smile, "saints are not interested in happiness, but I am interested in disease." "
Yan Zi will be sent to the State of Chu. When the King of Chu heard the news, he said to the people around him, "Yan Ying is good at talking in Qi. Now that he's here, I want to humiliate him. What should I do? " The people around me replied, "When he arrives, please let me tie a person to pass in front of you. You will say,' What does this person do?' I replied,' It belongs to Qi. You ask,' What crime have you committed?' I replied, "I have committed theft." When Yanzi arrived in Chu, the king of Chu gave Yanzi wine to drink. While drinking happily, two officials tied a man to the king of Chu. The king of Chu said, "What is the tied man for?" The official replied: "It is Qi people who commit theft. The king of Chu looked at Yan Zi and said, "Are people in Qi good at stealing?" Yan Zi left his seat and replied seriously, "I have heard that tangerine peel grows in the south of Huaihe River, and bitter orange grows in the north of Huaihe River, which turns into bitter citrus reticulata, but the leaves are similar and the fruits taste different. Why is this happening? Because the water and soil are different. Now people grow up in the state of Qi and don't steal, but they steal when they enter Chu. It won't be the soil and water of Chu that makes people steal! " The king of Chu smiled and said, "A saint can't joke with him. I was humiliated instead. "