This sentence comes from The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan: "Qi Jinggong asked Confucius about politics. Confucius said to him, "Jun Jun, minister, father and son. "
Qi Jinggong asked Confucius how to govern the country. Confucius said, "A monarch should be like a monarch, a minister should be like a minister, a father should be like a father, and a son should be like a son."
The social changes in the Spring and Autumn Period destroyed the rank and title at that time, and father killings occurred frequently. Confucius believes that this is the main reason for the country's turmoil. So he told Qi Jinggong, "Jun Jun, minister, father and son", that only by restoring this hierarchical order can the country be governed.
It is very important for parents to set an example for their children in reading, so that they can develop good reading habits. Reading can increase their imagination and exercise their logical analysis ability. At the same time, reading is also a good way of lifelong education, which will benefit children for life. But how can parents cultivate their children's good habit of reading?
1. Parent-child reading
Before going to bed, parents can sit on the bed with their children's favorite books, which can be read by parents or children. Of course, in the process of listening, parents and children had better have some interaction. Parents should encourage their children to tell the story content in the book according to their own understanding, and even add their own views and opinions. After that, we can discuss and analyze together. Slowly, children will have a strong interest in reading.
2. Create a good reading environment
In ancient times, Meng Mu moved three times, showing how much the environment affected a person. Therefore, parents must create a good reading environment for their children if they want to develop good reading habits. The so-called good reading environment, first of all, there must be books at home, and many of these books are suitable for children's age. Over time, children will involuntarily choose books to read according to their own needs.
3. Choose the right book for your child
If you want your child to be willing to study, you should start with the books that your child likes. Parents can consult their children's favorite books in advance, or consult their children's friends or even neighbors. Books that children are interested in will inspire them to read actively.
4. Ensure proper reading time
Reading time can be adjusted according to the child's meaning, but it is generally recommended that at most one hour is enough, usually half an hour is good. Once the child is found yawning or inattentive, parents should understand that the reading time is almost over.
Repeated reading
Repeated reading is a necessary process to cultivate children's reading ability. After repeated reading, children will have a deeper understanding of the story and even have their own unique opinions. At the same time, repeated reading can also help children predict and control the development of the story, thus giving them a great sense of accomplishment.
6. Stimulate children's interest in reading
Parents must be patient enough to stimulate their children's interest in reading. For example, when reading a story to a child, I deliberately don't tell the child the ending. This story without ending will urge the child to take the initiative to find the answer. Slowly, you will become more and more interested in reading.
In short, parents must try their best to cultivate their children's reading habits, which will be their lifelong wealth.
3. How do parents set an example for their children? Parents and children have the earliest, most and longest contact, so they are the most direct and concrete examples for children to learn.
Parents' words and deeds will exert a subtle influence on children's participation, just like a textbook without words. In front of children, parents' ideological and moral quality is not a trivial matter.
To educate children to have high social morality, parents themselves should strive to become such people. As Tolstoy, a great Russian writer, said, "The essence of educating children lies in educating themselves, and self-education is the most powerful way for parents to influence their children."
Therefore, the key for parents to set an example for their children is to find out what is good and what is not, and try to teach them good things as examples.
4. What ancient texts respect the elderly? 1, the old man, and the old man; Young people, young people, young people. (Mencius)
2, relying on Mount Tai to surpass the North Sea, this can't be done, and it must be done; Folding branches for the elderly is neither for nor for. (Zhuangzi)
3. I don't have a grandmother, even today; Grandma has no ministers, and her years are endless. Two people, grandparents and grandchildren, are more dependent on each other. (Li Mi)
4, but the inch of long grass is a little sentimental, and it is reported to be three spring rays. (Meng Jiao)
5. Send the clothes out and don't go back to the cupboard. (Huang Zunxian)
Respecting the old and loving the young can make the family more harmonious.
1, filial and generous. (Chen) According to
2. Be as happy as young people when you are old! Youth is like a lark, with its morning song; Old age, like a nightingale, should have its serenade. (Kant)
3. The thread in the hand of a kind-hearted mother makes clothes for her wayward son. (Meng Jiao)
A mother's heart is a child's paradise. (Italian proverb)
I look at the cradle, my son is growing, and I have no right to rest! (Jose Marti)
Respecting the old and loving the young can reflect a person's moral quality.
1. Being respected when you are old is the best privilege of human spirit. (Stendhal)
2. It is natural and normal to respect the elderly. Respect is not only manifested in words, but also in practice. (David Dyke)
Repaying parents' kindness is also a respect for human labor. (proverb)
The whole mystery of educational skills lies in how to take care of children. (Suhomlinski)
It is better to set an example than to criticize children. (Jubeir)
Respecting the old and loving the young is very important in caring.
1, we should show all our parents' love, wisdom and talents in order to cultivate great people. (makarenko)
2. People cultivated without parents' love are often flawed. (makarenko)
3. Children have the obligation to support their parents. (proverb)
You have no sympathy for the old man who fell to the ground, and there is no one to help you when wrestling. (Indian proverb)
5. Use beating to educate children, but it is similar to that of apes to educate their offspring. (makarenko)
Respect for the old and love for the young should start from the little things around us
1. Ruthlessness is not necessarily a real hero. How can Reiko Kobayakawa not be a husband? (Lu Xun)
Don't leave your beloved son around, let him go out to exercise and make him famous all over the world. (Thai proverb)
For the sake of children, my actions must be very gentle and cautious. (Marx)
4, I would like to teach you to do it with filial piety, and those who give it to you can't bear to wear it on the road! (Mencius)
5, Confucius: filial piety, the classics of heaven, the meaning of the earth, the trip of people. (Kangxi)
Parents should be role models for their children. How to write parents' opinions should be understood and considerate by children. In order for children to realize your love and dedication, we must first let them learn to love others, let them know how to pay, let them assume their own responsibilities, let them realize the hardships of life, let them cherish the care of others and appreciate the good intentions of their parents.
The most fundamental thing is to let children take their own responsibilities and let them learn to be grateful. To do this, we must first let the children experience the ups and downs of life and feel the good intentions of their parents. Let the child do his own thing, don't replace him, this is the minimum. Let children learn to be responsible for themselves, not only for their studies, but also for their own lives. On this basis, the care of parents can move children and get a response in their hearts. In this way, children can gradually learn to understand and understand their parents and gradually learn to care about others.
6. How should parents set an example for their children?
Parents should not think that their children are too young to be sensible. In fact, children are far smarter than we thought. He will soon remember some of our usual conversations and some words. Therefore, parents should pay attention to polite language when using words, especially when children are present. They shouldn't swear or swear in front of children. When talking to children, you should also use some words like "please, thank you, you're welcome, trouble" to let children know that they are usually talking to others.
standardize behavior
Usually, many actions of adults will be imitated by children. For example, knock on the door before entering the room, brush your teeth and wash your hands frequently in the morning and evening, and put your shoes away before entering the room. These things don't need to be taught. Children will imitate them if they watch them too much. Therefore, some parents should regulate their usual behavior and not let their children develop bad habits.
Cherish young people
Now there are many similar quarrels between the two children, and parents also participate, but not to reconcile the children, but to help the children continue to scold each other. This is very wrong. Parents should apologize and be polite to each other in front of their children. At ordinary times, we must teach our children to care for the young and take care of children like us. For people about our age, we should be humble to each other, so that children will have the idea of protecting the weak from an early age, and they will have a big fight.
Respect the elderly.
Without old people, there would be no us. Parents must take time out to spend more time with the elderly, care for them and make them happy. These behaviors will be subtly transferred to children's hearts. They think it is very appropriate to be filial to the elderly, and they will naturally be filial to us in the future, which is also good for us.
Civilized travel
There are too many opportunities to take children out, but there are many rules outside the house. Parents should tell their children how to be a civilized and good citizen with practical actions. For example, the simplest garbage is thrown into the trash can, such as not spitting, such as not doodling on walls or roads, and so on. When you are away from home, you should explain it to your children while doing it, so that they can know more civilized rules.
just as
Children's attitude towards life comes from their parents. With a pair of positive parents, children's learning will be improved. For example, parents work hard, work hard at home, and handle things rigorously. These children are all in the eye, not living a lazy life. Negative emotions do great harm to children's enthusiasm, so parents, cheer up and let your children see your spiritual side.
7. Idioms describing parents setting an example for their children The idioms describing "parents setting an example for their children" are: lead by example, lead by example, lead by example, lead by example, lead by example, lead by example.
1, set an example
Rules: guidelines, role models. Set an example with your own actions.
Step 2 lead by example
Oral communication: explain and teach in words; Example: Prove by action. Teach by example. Of behavior playing an exemplary role.
3, practice [sh ē n t ǐ l ∴ line]
Text: in person; Body: experience. Experience it for yourself and try to execute it.
4. Introduce yourself [xi à n sh ē n shun not f m].
Buddhist terminology. Refers to the Buddha's miraculous powers, who can show all kinds of faces and tell people. Now it refers to taking personal experiences and experiences as examples to illustrate a certain truth.
5. Take the lead [shēn xiān shì zú]
During the war, the general charged himself in front of the soldiers. Now it is also used to describe leaders taking the lead and walking in front of the masses.
6. Be a teacher [wé i ré n sh and bi m: o]
Teacher: For example, for example. Set an example for others in character and knowledge.
7. Up and down [Shanghai xí ng xi xi Ao]
Effect: imitate and follow. What the people above do, the people below do.
8. The original answer to Gu Wen:
Yuan Gu's young ancestor (1) is old, and Gu's parents hate it and want to donate it. Ten years and five years in the valley, my father said, "The ancestors raised children and worked hard all their lives. Does anyone donate when they are old? " It is also negative. "My father was disobedient, made a map and donated his ancestors to the wild. With the valley, the land was returned. Father said, "Why did you accept this weapon?" Gu said, "When my parents are old, there is no need to make this tool, so I will take it with me. "If the father is ashamed and repents, it is to support the ancestors.
Note: ① Original mouth: name. 2 donate: abandon. 3 exhortation: convince each other with good words. ⑤ Jade: Push the cart by hand ⑤ Evil: unlucky.
Haraguchi's grandfather is old, and his parents hate him so much that they want to abandon him. The original valley at the age of fifteen, he advised his father said:
Grandpa gave birth to children and was proud of his spring breeze all his life. How can you abandon him just because he is old? This is ingratitude.
My father didn't listen to the advice, so he made a cart and threw it into the wild with my grandfather. Haraguchi followed, so he brought the cart back alone.
Father asked, "Why did you bring this murder weapon back?" ?
As I said, when you come, I won't have to make another one. Put it away now.
Father was ashamed and regretted his behavior, so he went to take grandpa back to support him.
Children must honor their parents, which is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. In the article, Haraguchi first understood with reason, then moved with emotion, and finally made his father repent with wisdom. We should respect filial parents and don't abandon them just because they are old.
Honoring parents and respecting elders are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation. It is natural for parents to educate their children, but in this article, Haraguchi used his wisdom and reason to make his father realize his mistakes.
Parents are role models for children, so you should pay attention to your words and deeds, set a correct example for children, and don't let children do things you didn't do. Parents are the best teachers for children.