Confucius once said: "There is no desire for haste, and there is no desire for small gain. Haste will make waste, and seeing small gain will make great things impossible." Confucius's famous sayings very well tell the truth that haste makes waste. . Taking my country's actual situation as an example, during the Great Leap Forward period, various regions proposed unrealistic goals and one-sidedly pursued high speeds of industrial and agricultural production and construction. As a result, the national economic order was disrupted and a large amount of manpower and material resources were wasted. Being too impatient and seeking quick results will be counterproductive. It can be seen that if we want to succeed, we need to slow down our pace.
Slowness means having a calm lifestyle. Slowness does not mean stagnation, stagnation will only lose the motivation to move forward, dull the vitality of struggle, cover the fresh life with the dust of time, and cause endless backwardness; slowness does not mean laziness, laziness is the relaxation of the will to fight. , is giving up the control of life, which will only dismember our limited time and go further and further down the road of mediocrity; slowness does not mean procrastination, procrastination is a simple repetition of a meaningless life. If you are used to important things, If you rely on the future, both the present and the future will be in vain. Slow life is a kind of awareness, a kind of self-confidence, and a positive psychological experience. The essence of slow life lies in a calm and peaceful heart. Just like a horse grazing on the grassland, it never shows the restlessness of gobbling up food, but always shows the calmness of walking on the grassland, but in this calmness, the power of running is contained in the body.
Slowness means having a rigorous learning attitude. Scholarship and research are never achieved overnight. The more eager you are to seek success, the easier it will be to "continue to cut things off and make them more chaotic". In recent years, there have been more and more academic misconduct incidents, from falsification of papers to falsification of results, and even heinous incidents such as the clenbuterol incident of professors at Zhejiang University. In the final analysis, they are caused by contemporary people who are too impetuous in their pursuit of scholarship and research. disaster. On the other hand, Nobel Prize winner Tu Youyou, in order to develop artemisinin, adopted a rigorous and down-to-earth attitude and downplayed her material needs. She studied hard for decades and made an indelible contribution to human medicine. Many times, we are addicted to "fast" and always think that "fast is the only thing that can't be broken", but in fact, it is often fast that makes us confused and dizzy. Only if we hold a rigorous attitude towards learning, slow down to think calmly, and explore calmly can we find our way forward more clearly and get back on the road to success.
Slowness means having a down-to-earth work style. "Empty talk will harm the country, but hard work will make it prosperous." This is a pragmatic era, and officers need to maintain a down-to-earth and hard-working work style when creating businesses and seeking practical results. Just like Academician Nan Rendong, he worked hard for 23 years to complete the China Sky Eye Project. For decades, it not only filled the gap in my country's high-tech field, broke the long-term foreign monopoly, but also improved my country's national defense strength, which is of great significance. But on the other hand, some of our other leading cadres have a utilitarian mentality that is eager for success in their work. They blindly seek success and political achievements. They want to be faster when others are faster. They blindly follow the trend and work in vain. In the end, they are far away from success and even violate the law. Ji happened. Our grassroots cadres must always maintain a down-to-earth work style. Only by "slowing down" can they better perform their jobs.
Slowness is a kind of leisurely feeling of "sitting and watching the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court, smiling at the clouds rolling in the sky", while fastness is a kind of "success created by speed". Fast is a kind of quality, slow is a kind of wisdom. Only by maintaining a calm lifestyle, a rigorous learning attitude, a down-to-earth work style, slowing down and taking one step at a time can we reach the other side of success.