I. Original text
Mencius said, "A benevolent person loves others, and a courteous person respects others. Those who love others will always love others; Those who respect others will always respect others. "
Second, translation.
Mencius said: "caring people care about others, and polite people respect others." People who care about others are often cared for by others; People who respect others will often be respected by others. "
Third, the source
Mencius, Li Lou, XXVIII.
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In Confucianism, the benevolent is a kind and caring person; Benevolent people are people with great wisdom, charisma and kindness. Confucius' theory of "benevolence" is a conscious morality; Mencius' "benevolence" has both educational functions. The monarch mainly focuses on Xiu De, and virtue is the condition for implementing benevolent policies, so he advocates "the rule of virtue". Mencius advocated the benevolent policy of serving people with virtue and opposed the hegemonic policy of serving people with force, aiming at alleviating the pain of people's livelihood and easing social contradictions. Therefore, Mencius advocated "kingly politics" and opposed bullying and being afraid of hard work to serve the people.