Confucius said, "You see, what I said is always implemented by a basic idea." Ceng Zi said, "Yes." After Confucius went out, his classmates asked Ceng Zi, "What does this mean?" Ceng Zi said: "The teacher's method is loyalty and forgiveness."
In fact, my first reaction was this sentence.
Confucius said, "I have it." ? Confused, my husband asked me, and it was empty. I knocked at both ends, and I was exhausted. "
When a person has doubts, he goes to ask Confucius, who says he is ignorant, and then asks him what he suspects in turn, so that he can get to the bottom of it until he realizes something.
But I looked it up and found that the sentence with "consistent" should be the top sentence, and it should be my own fault. I hope it helps you.