A Tale of Two Cities is a great historical novel written by British writer Charles Dickens, which describes the French Revolution. "Twin Cities" refer to Paris and London respectively. It was later adapted and made into several versions of the film. The work was written in the author's later years, with ingenious conception, expressing the author's deep humanitarian feelings and criticizing the excessive killing in the French Revolution. At the same time, the novel is controversial because of some descriptions of the French Revolution.
This is the best time, this is the worst time, this is the age of wisdom, this is the age of stupidity, this is the age of faith, this is the age of doubt, this is the season of light, this is the season of darkness, this is the spring of hope, this is the winter of despair. We have everything in front of us, nothing in front of us, and we all go straight to heaven, and we all go straight to another road-in short. This period is so similar to the present period that some of the noisiest authorities insist that this period, whether good or bad, can only be viewed by the highest comparison.