Only filial piety can relieve worries. -Mencius
Mencius said, "Old people are old, young people are old, and young people are young." From Mencius Liang Wang Hui (Spring and Autumn Period). Note: Mencius said: "Respect your own elders, and you should also respect others' elders when you are promoted;" Caress your own children and promote others' children. "
Don't eat the valley of the world with unfilial words. Although the world is big, it is difficult to accommodate disobedient people.
However, an inch of long grass is a little sentimental, and it has won three spring rays. -Meng Jiao
Confucius said, "With parents here, you can swim well without traveling far." -From The Analects of Confucius, Liren IV (Spring and Autumn Period). Note: Confucius said; "Parents are alive, not far from home. If you want to travel far away, you must have a clear destination. "
Value feelings over things, and value funerals.
Good and evil are inseparable, if life is not easy, if beauty and evil are immovable. -Lu Chunqiu
The virtue of moving heaven is greater than filial piety, and the way of feeling things is honesty. -[Song] He Zhu
Don't waste the skin of the son of man because of unfilial.
You should be careful not to wait on your parents day and night. -from "Persuade to repay kindness". Note: Parents should be careful to help them in and out, and don't be tired of serving their parents in the morning and evening.