1. Ancient texts that seek to educate people to study hard
Encourage learning Xunzi, a gentleman, said: Learning cannot stop itself.
Green is derived from blue and is green from blue; ice is derived from water and is cold from water. The wood is straight and the rope is in the middle, and the frame is used as a wheel. Its bend is regular. Although it is rough and violent, it is no longer straight, and the frame is used to make it so.
Therefore, if wood is supported by a rope, it will be straight, and if metal is sharpened, it will be beneficial. If a gentleman is knowledgeable and examines himself every day, he will know how to act without making mistakes. Therefore, if you don't climb a high mountain, you don't know how high the sky is; if you don't go to a deep stream, you don't know how thick the earth is; if you don't listen to the last words of the past kings, you don't know how great knowledge is.
The sons of Qian, Yue, Yi, and Raccoon were born with the same voice, and grew up with different customs. They were taught to do so. The poem says: "You gentleman, you will never rest in peace.
Jing lost your position, it is good to be upright. God listens to you, and you are blessed."
There is no god greater than the Tao, and blessings are greater than the absence of disasters. If I think about it all day long, it is not as good as what I have learned in a moment; if I stoop and look at it, it is not as good as climbing high and gaining insights.
When you climb high and move, your arms are not lengthened, but the person who sees it is far away; when you call along the wind, the sound is not accelerated, but the person who hears it is louder. A fake horse can travel thousands of miles without benefiting from its feet; a fake boat can run a thousand miles without benefiting from the water.
A gentleman is born without being different, and he is good at pretending to be inferior to other things. There is a bird in the south, called the Mongolian dove. It makes a nest with its feathers braided into its hair and tied with reeds. When the wind blows, the eggs will break and the eggs will break and the eggs will die.
The nest is not endless, it is tied to it. There is a tree in the west, called Shegan, with a stem four inches long. It grows on a high mountain and faces the abyss of hundreds of feet. The stem cannot grow, because it is standing on it.
The fluffy hemp will stand straight without support. The root of Sophora japonica is Zhi.
As it progresses, gentlemen will not approach it, and common people will not accept it. Its quality is not unattractive, but it is so gradually. Therefore, when a gentleman lives, he must choose a hometown, and when traveling, he must choose scholars. Therefore, he must guard against evil and stay close to the right.
The origin of things must have a beginning. When honor and disgrace come, they must be like their virtues.
Insects appear in the rotting meat, and beetles appear in the fish. If you neglect yourself and forget yourself, you will cause disaster.
Strength takes its own pillars, softness takes its own bundles. Evil and filth are in the body, and resentment is the cause.
If the firewood is applied in one layer, the fire will be dry; if the flat ground is in one layer, the water will be wet. Plants and trees grow everywhere, birds and animals flock together, and everything follows its own kind.
This is why the bows and arrows are stretched to the limit when the nature is stretched, the axes reach the limit when the trees are lush, the trees are shaded and the birds are resting, and the birds are sour when the insects gather. Therefore, words can bring disaster, and actions can bring disgrace. A gentleman should be careful about where he stands! The accumulation of soil creates a mountain, and wind and rain stir up it; the accumulation of water forms a abyss, and dragons emerge; the accumulation of good deeds becomes virtue, and the gods are satisfied with themselves, and the holy heart is prepared.
Therefore, if you don’t accumulate steps, you won’t be able to reach a thousand miles; if you don’t accumulate small streams, you won’t be able to reach a river or sea. A horse can't take ten steps with one leap; a horse can ride ten times, but it's hard to give up.
If you persevere, the rotten wood will not be broken; if you persevere, the gold and stone can be carved. The chariot has no sharp claws and teeth, nor strong muscles and bones. It eats earth and drinks from the underworld. It has the same intention.
A crab with six knees and two pincers is not a snake and a snake with nothing to rely on in its cave, so it means you are impatient. Therefore, those who have no deep ambitions will not have clear enlightenment; those who have no worries will not have great achievements.
Those who follow the road will not come, and those who serve the two kings will not tolerate it. The eyes cannot see both ways and the ears cannot hear both ways.
The snake has no legs and can fly, while the rat has no skills. The poem says: "The corpse of the dove is in the mulberry, and its son is seven.
A gentleman's manners are one. His manners are one, and his heart is like a knot."
Therefore, a gentleman Tie together. In the past, when Huba played the harp and the Liuyu came out to listen, Boya played the harp and the six horses raised their heads.
Therefore, the sound is not heard even if it is small, the movement is invisible but not visible, the jade is on the mountain but the grass and trees are moist, the abyss is full of pearls but the cliff is not withered. Do good deeds and don’t accumulate evil. Is there anyone who doesn’t hear it? Is this the beginning of learning evil? The end of evil? He said: The number begins with chanting sutras and ends with reading rituals; the meaning begins with being a scholar and ends with being a saint.
If you really accumulate strength for a long time, you will start learning, and you will stop learning when you have almost no more. Therefore, learning numbers has an end, and if its meaning cannot be abandoned even for a moment.
To do it is like a human being; to give it up is like an animal. Therefore, the "Book" is the discipline of political affairs; the "Poetry" is where the sound stops; the "Li" is the great division of laws and the discipline of classes, so learning stops at the "Li".
This is the ultimate morality. The respectful writings in "Li", the harmony in "Music", the broad aspects of "Poems" and "Books", and the subtle aspects of "Spring and Autumn" are all between heaven and earth.
The learning of a gentleman enters the ears, the chopsticks touch the heart, spreads throughout the four bodies, and forms the shape of movement and stillness. To put it simply, creeping and moving can be the law.
The learning of a villain enters the ear and exits the mouth. The space between the mouth and the ear is four inches, which is enough to beautify a seven-foot body! Scholars in ancient times were for themselves, but scholars today are for others. A gentleman's education is for the sake of beautifying his body; a villain's education is for the purpose of beautifying his body.
Therefore, don’t ask but tell the truth, ask one and tell the second. Pride is not true; , is not true; a gentleman is like Xiang.
If you don’t learn from others, you will get close to them. "Li" and "Music" do not explain the law, "Poems" and "Books" do not express themselves, and "Spring and Autumn" make appointments but do not rush.
If you follow the principles of a gentleman, you will respect them and spread them throughout the world. Therefore, it is said that learning should be done without getting close to others.
Learning the classics quickly is the best way to treat people well, and Taung Li is the second best. If the superiors cannot be kind to others, and the subordinates cannot be courteous, if General Ante learns miscellaneous knowledge and only listens to the "Poetry" and "Books", he will inevitably become a bad scholar in the last days and in his poor years.
The original king was benevolent and righteous, so he was polite and straightened his longitude, latitude and path. If you pull out the fur collar and pause with five fingers, there will be countless people who obey.
If you do not follow the etiquette and constitution, you will use "Poems" and "Books" as examples. It is like measuring a river with a finger, pounding millet with a spear, or using a conical dining pot. It cannot be obtained. Therefore, if the rituals are not clearly understood, he is a Dharma scholar; if the rituals are not extended, although he is observing and debating, he is a Confucian scholar.
Don’t sue those who ask for help, don’t ask those who sue for help, don’t listen to those who ask for help, and don’t argue with those who are ambitious. Therefore, you must arrive at the path and then pick it up; if it is not the path, avoid it.
Therefore, courtesy and respect can then be related to the way of speaking, smooth speech can be related to the principle of speaking, and color can be related to the way of speaking. Therefore, it cannot be said to be proud in words, it can be said to be hidden in words and not to look at one's complexion, and it can be said to be blind if one does not look at one's complexion.
Therefore, a gentleman is not arrogant, does not hide, does not turn a blind eye, and obeys his own rules. The poem says: "The bandit makes peace with the bandit, which is given by the emperor."
This is what it means. Missing one out of a hundred shots is not a good shot; missing a step a thousand miles away is not a good control; being inconsistent with ethics and benevolence and righteousness is not a good study.
Those who learn from it should stick to it. As soon as you come out, you come in, and you are a person in the alley.
There are few good people and many bad people, such as Jie, Zhou, and Tao Zhi. If they are all eliminated, then they will be scholars. A gentleman knows that incompleteness and purity are not enough to be beautiful, so he should recite them several times to understand them, think about them to understand them, deal with them for others, eliminate their harm and maintain them, so that his eyes have no desire to see what is not right, and his ears There is no desire to hear what is not right, there is no desire to speak of anything not right with the mouth, and there is no desire to think about anything not right in the heart.
When it comes to good things, the five colors that are good to the eyes, the five sounds that are good to the ears, the five tastes that are good to the mouth, and the good mind are all over the world. Therefore, power cannot be dumped, the masses cannot be moved, and the world cannot be shaken.
Life depends on this, and death depends on it. This is called moral conduct. Once you are able to stabilize your moral conduct, you will be able to respond to it. If you are able to stabilize your moral conduct, you will be able to respond to it. This is what is called an adult.
The sky sees its brightness, the earth sees its light, and a gentleman values ??all of it. 2. Ancient texts that seek to educate people to study hard
Encourage learning Xunzi, a gentleman, said: Learning cannot be stopped.
Green is derived from blue and is green from blue; ice is derived from water and is cold from water. The wood is straight and the rope is in the middle, and the frame is used as a wheel. Its bend is regular. Although it is rough and violent, it is no longer straight, and the frame is used to make it so.
Therefore, if wood is supported by a rope, it will be straight, and if metal is sharpened, it will be beneficial. If a gentleman is knowledgeable and examines himself every day, he will know how to act without making mistakes. Therefore, if you don't climb a high mountain, you don't know how high the sky is; if you don't go to a deep stream, you don't know how thick the earth is; if you don't listen to the last words of the past kings, you don't know how great knowledge is.
The sons of Qian, Yue, Yi, and Raccoon were born with the same voice, and grew up with different customs. They were taught to do so. The poem says: "Sigh, you gentleman, there is no eternal rest.
Jing lost your position, it is good that you are upright. God listens to you, and you are blessed."
God is not greater than transformation. As the saying goes, blessings are better than disasters. If I think about it all day long, it is not as good as what I have learned in a moment; if I stoop and look at it, it is not as good as climbing high and gaining insights.
When you climb high and move, your arms are not lengthened, but the person who sees it is far away; when you call along the wind, the sound is not accelerated, but the person who hears it is louder. A fake horse can travel thousands of miles without benefiting from its feet; a fake boat can run a thousand miles without benefiting from the water.
A gentleman is born without being different, and he is good at pretending to be inferior to other things. There is a bird in the south, called the Mongolian dove. It makes a nest with its feathers braided into its hair and tied with reeds. When the wind blows, the eggs will break and the eggs will break and the eggs will die.
The nest is not endless, it is tied to it. There is a tree in the west, called Shegan, with a stem four inches long. It grows on a high mountain and faces the abyss of hundreds of feet. The stem cannot grow, because it is standing on it.
The fluffy hemp will stand straight without support. The root of Sophora japonica is Zhi.
As it becomes more and more subtle, gentlemen will not approach it, and common people will not accept it. Its quality is not unattractive, but this is what it is gradually. Therefore, when a gentleman lives, he must choose a hometown, and when traveling, he must find scholars. Therefore, he must guard against evil and stay close to the right.
The origin of things must have a beginning. When honor and disgrace come, they must be like their virtues.
Insects appear in the rotting meat, and beetles appear in the fish. If you neglect yourself and forget yourself, you will cause disaster.
Strength takes its own pillars, softness takes its own bundles. Evil and filth are in the body, and resentment is the cause.
If the firewood is applied in one place, the fire will be dry; if the flat ground is in one place, the water will be wet. Plants and trees grow everywhere, birds and animals flock together, and everything follows its own kind.
This is the reason why the bow and arrow are stretched when the nature is stretched, the ax is heavy when the forest is lush, the birds are resting under the shade of the trees, and the insects are sour when the insects gather. Therefore, words can bring disaster, and actions can bring disgrace. A gentleman should be careful about where he stands! Accumulating soil creates a mountain, and wind and rain stir up it; accumulating water creates a abyss, and dragons emerge; accumulating good deeds creates virtue, and the gods are content with themselves, and the holy heart is prepared.
Therefore, if you don’t accumulate steps, you won’t be able to reach a thousand miles; if you don’t accumulate small streams, you won’t be able to reach a river or sea. A horse can't take ten steps with one leap; a horse can ride ten times, but it's hard to give up.
If you persevere, the rotten wood will not be broken; if you persevere, the metal and stone can be carved. The chariot has no sharp claws and teeth, nor strong muscles and bones. It eats earth and drinks from the underworld. It has the same intention.
A crab with six knees and two pincers is not a snake with no support in its cave. Therefore, those who have no deep ambitions will not have clear enlightenment; those who have no worries will not have great achievements.
Those who follow the road will not come, and those who serve the two kings will not tolerate it. The eyes cannot see both ways and the ears cannot hear both ways.
The snake has no legs and can fly, and the rat has five skills. The poem says: "The corpse dove is in the mulberry tree, and its son is here.
A gentleman's manners are one. His manners are one, and his heart is like a knot."
Therefore, a gentleman Tie together. In the past, when the Huba played the harp and the Liuyu came out to listen, Boya played the harp and the six horses raised their heads.
Therefore, the sound is not heard even if it is small, the movement is invisible but not invisible, the jade is on the mountain but the grass and trees are moist, the abyss is full of pearls but the cliff is not withered. Do good deeds and don’t accumulate evil. Is there anyone who doesn’t hear it? Is this the beginning of learning evil? The end of evil? He said: The number begins with chanting sutras and ends with reading rituals; the meaning begins with being a scholar and ends with being a saint.
If you really accumulate strength for a long time, you will start learning, and you will stop learning when you are almost gone. Therefore, learning numbers has an end, and if its meaning cannot be abandoned even for a moment.
To do it is like a human being; to give it up is like an animal. Therefore, the "Book" is the discipline of political affairs; the "Poetry" is where the sound stops; the "Li" is the great division of laws and the discipline of classes, so learning stops at the "Li".
This is the ultimate morality. The respectful writings in "Li", the harmony in "Music", the broad aspects of "Poems" and "Books", and the subtle aspects of "Spring and Autumn" are all between heaven and earth.
The learning of a gentleman enters the ears, the chopsticks touch the heart, spreads throughout the four bodies, and forms movement and stillness. To put it simply, creeping and moving can be the law.
The learning of a villain enters the ear and exits the mouth. The space between the mouth and the ear is four inches, which is enough to beautify a seven-foot body! Scholars in ancient times were for themselves, but scholars today are for others. A gentleman's education is for the sake of beautifying his body; a villain's education is for the purpose of beautifying his body.
Therefore, if you don’t ask and tell the truth, you will be proud; if you ask one question, you will tell the second. Pride is not true; pride is not true; a gentleman is like Xiang.
If you don’t learn from others, you will get close to them. "Li" and "Music" do not explain the law, "Poems" and "Books" do not express themselves, and "Spring and Autumn" make appointments but do not rush.
If you follow the principles of a gentleman, you will respect them and spread them throughout the world. Therefore, it is said that one should not approach others while learning.
Learning the classics quickly is the best way to treat people well, and Taung Li comes second. If the superiors cannot be kind to others, and the subordinates cannot be courteous, if General Ante learns miscellaneous knowledge and only listens to the "Poems" and "Books", he will inevitably become a bad scholar in the last days and in his poor years.
The original king was benevolent and righteous, so he was polite and straightened his longitude, latitude and path. If you pull out the fur collar and pause with five fingers, there will be countless people who obey.
If you do not follow the etiquette and constitution, you will use "Poems" and "Books" as examples. It is like measuring a river with a finger, pounding millet with a spear, or using a conical dining pot. It cannot be obtained. Therefore, if the ritual is not clear, it is a Dharma scholar; if it is not ritual, although it is an investigation and debate, it is a Confucian scholar.
Don’t sue those who ask for help, don’t ask those who sue for help, don’t listen to those who ask for help, and don’t argue with those who are ambitious. Therefore, you must arrive at the path and then pick it up; if it is not the path, avoid it.
Therefore, courtesy and respect can then be related to the way of speaking, smooth speech can be related to the principle of speaking, and color can be related to the way of speaking. Therefore, it cannot be said to be proud in words, it can be said to be hidden in words and not to look at one's complexion, and it can be said to be blind if one does not look at one's complexion.
Therefore, a gentleman is not arrogant, does not hide, does not turn a blind eye, and obeys his own rules.
The poem says: "The bandit makes peace with the bandit, which is given by the emperor."
This is what it means. Missing one out of a hundred shots is not a good shot; missing a step a thousand miles away is not a good control; being inconsistent with ethics and benevolence and righteousness is not a good study.
Those who learn from it should stick to it. As soon as you come out, you come in, and you are a person in the alley.
There are few good people and many bad people, such as Jie, Zhou, and Tao Zhi. If they are all eliminated, then they will be scholars. A gentleman knows that incompleteness and purity are not enough to be beautiful, so he should recite them several times to understand them, think about them to understand them, deal with them for others, eliminate their harm and maintain them, so that his eyes have no desire to see what is not right, and his ears There is no desire to hear what is not right, there is no desire to speak of anything not right with the mouth, and there is no desire to think about anything not right in the heart.
When it comes to good things, the five colors that are good to the eyes, the five sounds that are good to the ears, the five tastes that are good to the mouth, and the good mind are all over the world. Therefore, power cannot be dumped, the masses cannot be moved, and the world cannot be shaken.
Life depends on this, and death depends on it. This is called moral conduct. Once you are able to stabilize your moral conduct, you will be able to respond to it. If you are able to stabilize your moral conduct, you will be able to respond to it. This is what is called an adult.
The sky sees its brightness, the earth sees its light, and a gentleman values ??all of it. 3. Ancient texts describing consistency between words and deeds
Confucius taught his disciples to be honest more than 2,000 years ago.
In learning, say you know what you know, and say you don’t know what you don’t know. He believes that this is the correct attitude towards learning.
Zengzi was also a very honest and trustworthy person. One time, Zengzi's wife was going to the market, but her son was crying and she had to go.
The wife coaxed the child and said, "Don't go. I will come back and kill the pig for you to eat." When she came back from the market, she saw that Zengzi was about to kill the pig, and she quickly stepped forward to stop him.
Zengzi said, if you deceive your children, they will not trust you. With that said, he killed the pig.
Zengzi did not deceive his children, and he also cultivated his children's character of trustworthiness. In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, there was a man named Ji Bu who always kept his promises and kept his word.
People say, "It is better to get a hundred catties of gold than to get a promise of Jibu." This is the idiom that only with the help of friends can one survive.
And if you have faith, you will naturally get everyone’s support:. 4. Interpretation of Confucius’ words and deeds in classical Chinese
Confucius said: A gentleman worries about three things: he worries about not being able to hear the knowledge or truth he has not heard of; he worries about not being able to learn it after he has heard it; he worries about not being able to learn it after he has learned it. When it arrived, I was worried that it wouldn’t be possible. There are five things that make a gentleman feel shameful: a gentleman feels shameful when he holds a certain position but cannot express the opinions he deserves; a gentleman feels shameful when he expresses his opinions but does not implement them; a gentleman feels shameful when he gives up halfway in implementation; he feels shameful when he has plenty of land and labor force If it is not enough, a gentleman feels shameful; if the common people divide things equally, everyone gets a share, but he takes an extra share, a gentleman feels shameful.
Suffering: Worry, Worry
Ef: Not
Already: Already
Action: Practice
Shame :Things to be ashamed of
Position: official position
Words: suggestions
Audience: common people
Widows: few
Times: more 5. Ancient poems about educating people
Warning people to be honest
1. Those who do not have strong ambitions will not be wise, and those who do not believe in their words will not achieve results.
--Mo Zhai, a thinker of the Warring States Period
2. Internal and external correspondence, words and deeds should be consistent.
--Han Fei, philosopher and educator of the Warring States Period
3. Goodness does not come from outside, and the name cannot be made in vain.
-- Qu Yuan, a poet of the Warring States Period
4. The true is the most sincere. Without sincerity, it cannot move people.
--Zhuang Zhou, the Warring States philosopher
5. If a person breaks his promise, his reputation will be ruined.
--Liu Xiang, a Confucian scholar of the Han Dynasty
6. Hypocrisy cannot last long, emptiness cannot last long, rotten wood cannot be carved, and love cannot last long.
--Han Ying, a poetry critic of the Han Dynasty
7. If you accept someone with faith, the world will trust you; if you don't accept someone with faith, your wife will be suspicious of you.
--Chang Quan, a hermit of the Jin Dynasty
8. A person cannot stand in the world without loyalty.
--Cheng Yi, a philosopher from the Song Dynasty
9. More virtuality is worse than less reality.
--Chen Fu, a philosopher from the Song Dynasty
10. Treating others with truthfulness not only benefits others, but also benefits yourself.
-- Yang Jian, scholar of the Song Dynasty 6. What are the sentences in ancient Chinese teaching and educating people
1. "A teacher is a person who teaches things to illustrate virtues."—— "Book of Rites"
2. "Uncut jade cannot become a tool, and a man cannot become a Taoist without polishing." - Ma Zhiyuan of the Yuan Dynasty
3. "When the year is cold, you will know that the pines and cypresses will wither. "——"Ten Principles of the Analects of Confucius"
4. "A teacher should not specialize in teaching, his responsibility is to teach people how to behave; students should not specialize in studying, his responsibility is to learn the way of life." - ——Tao Xingzhi
5. “In the hands of teachers, the destiny of young people is determined, and the destiny of the nation and mankind is determined.” ——Tao Xingzhi
6. “ Because morality is the foundation of being a human being. If the foundation is bad, even if you have some knowledge and skills, it will be of little use." - Tao Xingzhi
7. "One percent of education work. Scrap products will cause the country to suffer serious losses." - Makarenko
Experience in teaching and educating people:
1. The ancient Chinese believed in "keeping one's position in mind." "Politics", American writer Emerson believes that "responsibility is a supreme value, it has a noble character and occupies the highest position among all values."
2. Han Yu, a native of the Tang Dynasty, positioned "teacher" in the level of "preaching, teaching, and solving doubts." For me, teaching and educating people is the most glorious and sacred profession under the sun, and it belongs to the category of "Happy Camp".
3. Remember Mr. Fei Xiaotong’s famous saying: Everywhere my feet have stepped is exuding the fragrance of roses. There is an aphorism in "A Dream of Red Mansions": If you don't experience something, you won't gain a piece of wisdom. Pink is another spring.
4. Han Feizi said it well: When the world changes, things will change, and when things change, prepare for changes. "Being a monk for a day and hitting the clock for a day" is now also used in a derogatory sense. It is interpreted as being dedicated to one's job and gaining a sense of responsibility while losing youth. 7. Inspiring classical Chinese essays
Original publisher: *** Asia
Inspiring and complete classical Chinese essays
Part 1: Inspiring and complete classical Chinese essays
2. The lights are on at three and the chicken is on at five, which is when men are studying. Black-haired people don't know how to study diligently early, and white-haired people regret studying late.
Yan Zhenqing
3. Those who accomplished great things in ancient times not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance.
Su Shi
4. Reading is already late in spring, and every inch of time is worth an inch of gold.
Wang Zhenbai
5. There is a road to the mountain of books, and diligence is the path, and there is no limit to the sea of ??learning, and hard work is the boat.
Han Yu
6. One out of ten people give up on things in the world because of difficulties, and nine out of ten people give up on things because of laziness.
Yan Zhitui
7. The rope cuts the wood, and the water drops penetrate the stone.
Luo Dajing
8. After thousands of blows, you will still be strong, regardless of the winds from east to west, north and south.
Zheng Banqiao
9. Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle.
"Zengguang Xianwen"
10. Life is about hard work, nothing can be gained without asking for anything.
Zhang Heng
11. When three of us are walking together, there must be one who is my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.
12. If you have ambitions, you will not grow old. If you have no ambitions, you will live a hundred years in vain.
Shi Yukun
13. From the top of the mountain, you can see all the small mountains.
Du Fu
14. If you are poor, you will change;
"Book of Changes"
15. The ancients spared no efforts in learning, and only when they are young can they become mature.
Lu You
16. If you don’t fly, you will soar into the sky; if you don’t sing, you will become a blockbuster.
Sima Qian
17. It is easy to understand what is written on paper, but I know that I must do it in detail.
Lu You
18. To learn, one must first be determined.
Zhu Xi
19. If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.
20. A horse can’t take ten steps with one leap; a horse can ride ten steps, but the merit lies in perseverance.
21. The sea accepts hundreds of rivers, and it is big if it has tolerance; if there are thousands of people standing on the wall, it is strong if there is no desire.
Lin Zexu
22. Life is like a dream, and a bottle returns the moon in the river. Su Shi 75 In ancient times, the so-called heroic men must have extraordinary qualities. It is not courageous for a common man to draw his sword and fight when he is insulted. The world has it