1. Yan Hui said: "When people are kind to me, I am kind to them; when people are not kind to me, I am also kind to them."
2. Yan Hui once advised Zigong: "I I have heard from Masters that if one does not use propriety, but expects propriety from others, and that one does not use virtue, but expects virtue from others, this is chaos. You should not but think about what the Master said."
3. Yan Zi said: "Who is Shun? Who is this? He who has done something is like this."
4. Yan Hui said: "The wise know themselves, and the benevolent love themselves."
5. Yan Hui said : "Wu Zhong was called a saint in his lifetime, but his body was not exempt from sins, which is a sign of insufficient wisdom. He was good at talking to soldiers, but defeated the sharp ones, which was a sign of insufficient wisdom. Although Fu Wenzhong is dead, he is immortal, but his evil will not last long. ”
6. Yan Hui said: “Is it possible to be poor as rich and humble as noble?
7. Yan Hui said: "If Hui wishes to have the Holy Master of the Ming Dynasty as his prime minister, the city will not be cured, the ditches and ponds will not be dug, the yin and yang will be harmonious, the family will have enough people, and the soldiers in the warehouse will be used as agricultural tools."
8. A basket of food and a ladle of drink, in a back alley, can't bear to worry people, and they won't change their happiness even when they return home.