Edison once said: There is nothing of real value in the world that can be obtained without hard work. The following is what I carefully recommend for everyone. Welcome to read and collect it. I hope it will be helpful to you.
1. The three conditions for success are diligence, hard work and trying.
2. People who are not determined to cultivate thinking will lose the greatest joy in life.
3. The obvious sign of a great man is his strong will.
4. Our electric lighting system is neither utopian nor reckless.
5. Restlessness and dissatisfaction are the first necessities for progress.
6. Things that we often cannot see through can eventually be done.
7. Character cultivation is the main purpose of education, although it cannot be regarded as the only purpose.
8. If you can name a person who is completely satisfied, I can tell you that he is a failure.
9. A person must first go through difficulties and then step into good times before he feels useful and comfortable.
10. Make excuses for others, but never make excuses for yourself.
1. Hypocrisy and fraud are the mother of all evils.
2. A major weakness of losers is giving up. The inevitable path to success is to keep trying again.
3. Genius is 1 inspiration plus 99 perspiration.
4. Imagination triggers ideas, and knowledge realizes ideas. Reading is to wisdom what gymnastics is to body. I will never lose heart when encountering difficulties...
5. To succeed, you must first set a goal and then concentrate on moving towards the goal. I can't give up work for a day because everything I do makes me happy.
6. Almost all people lose their perseverance to continue creating when their ideas reach their limits. In fact, this is the real beginning.
7. If you can fully accomplish what you are capable of, the results will be very surprising. Many experiments have been done, and it would be great if only one experiment succeeds.
8. No matter what you do, you will either make a brilliant achievement or fail brilliantly. You must dare to do it to make progress.
9. Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable to me as success. Only after I know all the ways to do a job poorly can I know the way to do a job well.
10. Constantly search for the secrets of nature and use it to benefit mankind; and everything should move towards the bright side.
11. There is a solution to every difficulty. I attach great importance to the experience gained through struggle. A person must first go through difficulties and then step into good times before he will feel useful and comfortable.
12. Since I am looking for something the world needs, I keep looking for it and try to create it. I only hope to succeed in one thing and rarely think about how to make money from it.
13. Relentless Struggle If people can leave their fanatical spirit to their descendants when they are dying, they will have left behind a priceless treasure. Life is too short, and there are so many things. Can we not make progress simultaneously?
14. Success is: 2% inspiration given by God, plus 98% yourself of sweat. If a person's career cannot fully speak for him, it is best for him to remain silent.
15. Most people talk too much. If only those who really have something to say speak, their speaking will decrease and their power will increase.
16. Books are the legacy left by genius to mankind, passed down from generation to generation, and they are also gifts to those who have not yet been born.
17. Friendship can enhance happiness and reduce pain; because it can multiply our joy and share our worries.
18. There is nothing of real value in the world that can be obtained without hard work.
19. Restlessness and dissatisfaction are the first necessities for progress. If you want to succeed, use perseverance as your good friend, experience as your counselor, prudence as your brother, and hope as your sentinel.
20. Anyone who hopes to spend his old age with honor and comfort must think that one day he will grow old when he is young; in this way, when he is old, he will also remember that he was young.
21. Although we always lament the shortness of life, we look forward to its end at every stage.
22. As a child, you long for adulthood, as an adult you look forward to starting a family, then you want to get rich, then you want to gain fame and status, and finally you want to live in seclusion.
23. Everyone will make a long list of virtues and good character that his friends should have, but few people are willing to cultivate their own character according to their own list.
Be determined, be bitter in heart, work hard and be diligent, no matter how big or small, you will achieve something. The following is the