There are many idioms handed down from generation to generation, and the more easily misunderstood, the stupidity is also an idiom that is easily misunderstood. Often people's first reaction is that his shallow meaning is stupid. This idiom comes from Confucius' The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang: "Ningwu Zibang knows that it has a way, and the country is stupid and has no way; Its knowledge is available, and it is stupid. "
Ning Wuzi, a doctor of Wei, was recruiting talents for the country at that time, but Wei Chenggong was incompetent, so Ning Wuzi ran around the world in order to save the life of Wei Wengong, who was politically clear, so Confucius wrote in The Analects of Gongye Chang: "When Ning Wuzi knows that the country has Tao, when the country has no Tao, it is stupid; Its knowledge is available, and it is stupid. " This sentence is translated from Confucius' praise of Ning Wuzi. The world is cold, and he gives full play to his talents. When the world is cloudy, he plays dumb and waits for the opportunity. Many people will do those smart things, but when it comes to playing dumb, he will play dumb, and it is difficult for ordinary people to reach his level.
This is the story source of another explanation of stupidity, which praises Ning Wuzi, so the original meaning of stupidity is to praise a person's intelligence.