Wealth cannot be moved, poverty cannot be moved, and power cannot be bent means that when you are rich, you can control yourself and not squander; when you are poor, you should not change your will; you cannot change yourself under power. This is the attitude of a man.
This classical Chinese text comes from "Mencius: Teng Wen Gong Xia", the full text is as follows:
Jing Chun said: "Are Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi not honest men? When they are angry, the princes are afraid, and they live in peace. And the world is in ruins." Mencius said: "How can I be a man? Is it true that the son has not learned the etiquette? The husband's crown is ordered by the father; the mother is ordered by the woman to marry, and she is sent to the door, saying: ' When you go to your daughter's house, you must respect her and do not disobey the Master! "It is the way of a concubine to be righteous." "If you succeed, you can follow the people's will; if you fail to achieve your goal, you can't be licentious, you can't be poor or humble, and you can't bend by force."
Translation: Jing Chun said: "Gongsun Yan, Isn't Zhang Yi a real man? When they are angry, the princes will be afraid; if they stay at home, the world will be at peace." Mencius said: "How can this be regarded as a man? Have you never learned etiquette? ? When a man performs the crowning ceremony, his father lectures him; when a woman gets married, her mother lectures her and sends her to the door, warning her: "When you arrive at your home, you must be respectful and cautious, and don't disobey your husband!" The greatest principle is the principle that women follow.
Living in the most vast house in the world - 'Benevolence', standing in the most correct position in the world - 'Li', walking in the broadest place in the world. On the road of justice - 'righteousness'.
When you can realize your ideals, you will walk on this right path with the people. If you cannot realize your ideals, you will walk on this right path alone. Riches and honors cannot confuse his thoughts, and poverty and lowliness cannot confuse his thoughts. If one cannot change one's ethics and cannot bend one's will by force, then one is called a true man."
Classical Chinese Analysis
Mencius was discussing "What is a true man" with Jing Chun, a believer in the political sect. "In the question, these three famous sentences were mentioned. In Mencius' view, a real "man" should not be judged by power, but should be able to stabilize the "moral anchor" in his heart, and be able to adhere to "benevolence" when facing different life situations such as wealth, poverty, power, etc. The principles of "righteousness and propriety" are used to advance and retreat in accordance with the Tao.
This famous quote by Mencius about "a true man" shines with the power of thought and personality. It has inspired many people with lofty ideals and benevolence in history and has become their motto for not fearing violence and upholding justice. . Until now, when we read this passage, it seems that we can still hear his golden voice.