The Analects of Confucius
Original text:
Confucius said, "Come on! My path is consistent. " Zeng Zi said, "Wei." When the child came out, the master asked, "What is it?" Ceng Zi said: "The master's way is loyalty and forgiveness."
Confucius said, "Zeng Shen! The way I speak, take a reason to run through it. " Ceng Zi said, "I see." Confucius came out. The other disciples of Ceng Zi came to ask, "What does this mean?" Ceng Zi told them, "All our teachers say is loyalty and forgiveness. Starting from here, learning a perfect realm is Tao. "
This article is the fourth in The Analects of Confucius, with 26 chapters in total. Its main contents involve the relationship between righteousness and benefit, personal moral cultivation, filial piety to parents and the difference between a gentleman and a villain. This article includes some important categories, principles and theories of Confucianism, which has a great influence on later generations.