Mr. Ma Ji did say this. People who deny that Ma Ji said this in other answers may not understand this history. This sentence has nothing to do with Guo Degang. At least when Ma Ji said this sentence, Guo Degang was not in trouble yet. I hope everyone will not contact him blindly. What Ma Ji hates is the sectarianism and sectarian disputes in the cross talk world.
It is a traditional apprenticeship ceremony. You have to kowtow to identify this person for the rest of your life. To worship anyone else was considered as treason. The xenophobic atmosphere in the cross talk world does seem unfriendly, and it is a state of hostility towards those who have not become disciples.
Ma Jishu once said that a pair of crosstalk actors from Hebei performed in Tianjin and the results were very good and the audience welcomed them. However, because they did not have apprenticeships, they were boycotted by the crosstalk industry. So I wanted to worship Ma Ji as my teacher and join a certain family. Ma Ji did not agree because the man was four or five years older than Ma Ji. In fact, I personally think that Ma Ji’s confiscation of these two people contradicts his own ideas
Ma Ji does not agree with the fighting between factions in cross talk, and does not like the attitude of his colleagues towards actors who have not learned from him. He got along with his apprentices on a teacher-student relationship. Except for Li Guoxiu from Taiwan Province, the other apprentices did not show their knowledge, kowtow, or apprenticeship ceremony.
It can be said that Ma Ji does not like traditional red tape and believes that these false rituals and consciousness affect the productivity of cross talk. But why does it contradict Ma Ji's own philosophy that he didn't accept those two people?
The reason is that those two people were excluded by the cross talk peers not because of lack of ability, but mainly because they did not have a teacher. Ma Ji had the ability to bring them into the teacher, and he did not value the teacher. If two people Art is indeed worth recommending. In fact, it is not impossible to help. Ma Ji refused, and the reason for refusal was because they were older.
From an ideological point of view, when Ma Ji refused, he still had the traditional view of becoming a disciple. If it were other cross talk actors who valued their profession very seriously, they would probably not agree. Ma Ji did not accept those two people, which shows that Ma Ji is not a traditional challenger, nor is he a disruptor. Ma Ji said that he hates this team, which is more like a complaint
Because he has not changed anything, he has just been alone, and he has not done anything to change the future on the road of change.
Traveling around the world has created many rules and slang. These are all bad habits, but some actors do not delve into business and like to use this as a treasure. Mr. Ma’s words 20 years ago still have practical significance today. I hope that not only crosstalk practitioners, but we viewers will also understand the true meaning of this sentence.