1. Learn mathematics as a language, learn the usage of every term, and be familiar with the meaning of every symbol
2. Don’t miss any seemingly simple example questions ——They are often not that simple, or they can lead to a lot of knowledge points.
3. Being able to use mathematical formulas does not mean that you can do mathematics.
4. Mathematics is not just about solving problems.
5. One of the best ways to learn to solve problems is to study examples.
6. Never think that you have solved enough problems at any time.
7. Don’t expect to remember and grasp anything after reading the book for the first time – please read it a second or third time.
8. Don’t stay on the cradle of basic question types. Learn to treat basic question types as comprehensive questions “assembled” from parts.
9. Don’t think that just because some words in mathematics look the same as words in natural language, they have exactly the same meaning.
10. Remember: the concepts and objects in mathematics are not exclusive to mathematics. Don’t forget to “use mathematics” in other subjects.
11. Please pay attention to the detailed errors in problem solving and remind yourself before the exam.
12. Always review the problems you have solved before, try new solutions, and apply the new knowledge you have learned.
13. Don’t miss any exercise questions in the book—please complete them all and record your solution ideas.