If the land is not changed, the people will not be reunited, and the benevolent government will be carried out, but Wang Mo can resist it.
There is no need to expand the territory and increase the number of people. As long as we earnestly implement benevolent politics and unify the world, no one can stop it.
On the Ugliness of Mencius, "The land will not be reclaimed, and the people will not be reunited. If you are benevolent, you will be king, and you can't resist it." This shows that Mencius inherited and promoted Confucius' theory.
Original sentence: If the land is not reclaimed, the people will not be reunited; If you are benevolent and king, you can't be royal! And the king did not do it, and he did not neglect it at this time; The people's haggard is worse than that at this time.
Interpretation: There is no need to expand the land and gather the people. No one can stop the benevolent government from ruling the world. Besides, there is no longer interval than now when the benevolent king does not appear; There is nothing worse for the people to suffer from tyranny than now.
Extended information:
"If the land is not changed, the people will not be reunited, and Wang Mo can be benevolent" comes from "On the Ugliness of Mencius"
"On the Ugliness of Mencius" is one of the works "Mencius" written by Mencius, a famous thinker in ancient China and known as the sage. Recorded some words and deeds of Mencius.
On the Ugliness of Mencius
Mencius said: Boyi is neither a monarch nor a friend, nor stands in the court of the wicked, nor speaks to the wicked; Stand in the court of the wicked, and talk to the wicked, as if you were wearing a robe at the court and sitting on charcoal. Push the evil heart, think with the villagers, its crown is not straight, look at it, if it will be awkward.
Therefore, even though the vassal has a good resignation, he will not be subjected to it. Those who are not subject to it are disdainful. Liu Xiahui is not ashamed of the monarch, nor is he humble to a small official; If you don't hide your sages, you must follow your path, leave them behind without complaining, and be poor without pity.
hence the saying: I am for you, and I am for me; Although you are naked on my side, how can you admire me! Therefore, it is not self-conscious to be together with it. Help and stop; Those who stop and stop are also disdainful to go.
Mencius said: Boyi Pass, Liu Xiahui is disrespectful, pass and disrespectful, and a gentleman can't help it.
Mencius said, "Boyi, if he is not his ideal monarch, he will not serve, and if he is not his favorite friend, he will not make friends. Don't be an official in the court of the wicked, don't talk to the wicked. Being an official in the court of the wicked, talking with the wicked, feels like sitting on the charcoal dust in the dirt wearing the clothes and hats of the court. Spread this aversion to the wicked, and he will think that if he stands with a countryman and his hat is not properly worn, he should leave him angrily, as if he would defile him.
therefore, even if the vassal invited him with beautiful words, he would not accept it. If you don't accept it, you will disdain to approach them. Liu Xiahui doesn't think it's a shame to serve a bad monarch, and he doesn't despise it because of his small official position; To be an official in the imperial court, if you don't hide your talents, you must act according to your own principles; Abandoned by the monarch without resentment, poor without sadness.
So he said,' You are you and I am me. Even if you are naked by my side, how can you defile me?' So he can happily stay with such people without losing his manners. If he is dragged to stay, he will stay. If you pull him to stay, he will stay, which is just disdaining to leave.
Mencius said, "Boyi is narrow-minded, but Liu Xiahui is not serious. Narrow and not serious, gentlemen do not follow suit. "