Humble and respectful chapter
Interpretation Confucius said: "A gentleman is only worried that he has no talent, and he is not worried that others will not understand him."
52. Confucius said, "Disciples are filial when they enter, and younger brothers when they leave. They are sincere and trustworthy, and they love others and show kindness to others. If you have spare capacity, you will learn literature. " -
Interpretation of Confucius said: "Young children should be filial to their parents at home at ordinary times, love their older brothers when they go out, be careful when they do things, keep their word, care for the public extensively and be close to people with benevolence. If there is spare energy, it will be used to learn cultural knowledge. "
53. Confucius said, "It's disrespectful to live in a humble position, and I'm in mourning for a long time. How can I look at it?" -"Ba Shu"
Interpretation Confucius said: "Being in a superior position is not generous, not serious when holding ceremonies, and not sad when attending funerals. How can I stand this kind of performance? "
54. Confucius said, "A gentleman has nothing to contend with. Will also shoot! Go up and down, and cook. Its contention is also a gentleman. " -"Ba Shu"
Interpretation Confucius said: "A gentleman has nothing to contend for. If there is, it must be competition archery! When comparing arrows, bow to each other first, and then go on stage; After the game, they toasted each other. This is the dispute between gentlemen. "
55. Confucius said, "If it is holy and benevolent, how dare I! If you don't tire of suppressing it and teaching people tirelessly, it can be said that Yuner is gone. " -"Shu Er"
Interpretation Confucius said: "As for treating me as a saint and a benevolent person, how dare I bear it! I just never get tired of studying and working, and I never get tired of teaching students. That's all. "
56. Confucius said, "If you have the beauty of the talent of the Duke of Zhou, you will be arrogant and stingy, and the rest will be inadequate." -"Taibo"
Interpretation Confucius said: "Even if a person has such a beautiful talent as Duke Zhou, as long as he is proud and stingy, then other aspects are not worth mentioning."
57. Confucius said, "If you don't cultivate virtue, you don't talk about learning, you can't migrate if you smell righteousness, and you can't change if you are not good, it's my worry." -
Interpretation of Confucius said: "I am worried about not being morally cultivated, not giving lectures in learning, not being able to follow what is reasonable when I hear it, and not being able to correct my mistakes."
58. Confucius said, "Do I have Zhihu? Ignorance is also. Some people asked me, but it was empty. I am exhausted at both ends. " -"Zi Han"
Interpretation Confucius said: "Do I have knowledge? I have no knowledge. A countryman asked me a question that I didn't know at all. I cross-examined him from the pros and cons of that question, got the answer, and then tried to tell him. "
59. Confucius said, "A gentleman is Thai but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not Thai." -"Zi Lu"
Interpretation Confucius said: "A gentleman is peaceful and tolerant without arrogance, and a villain is arrogant and not peaceful and tolerant."
6. Confucius said, "If Meng refuses to cut down, he will rush to the temple, where he will get started and take care of his horse. He said,' If you don't dare, the horse will not advance.' "-"Yong Ye "
Interpretation Confucius said:" Meng Zhi's rebellion is a man who doesn't boast about himself. He stayed at the end as a cover when the team lost. When he was about to retreat to the city gate, he whipped the horse and said,' It's not that I dared to break the back, it's that the horse refused to go. "