Being open-minded generally means being open-minded, which means being open-minded and knowledgeable. Being philosophical is a Chinese word, and the pinyin is dá guān n.
1. Book Calling Letters: "When the Duke of Zhou Dynasty visited Luo, he reached a high point in Xinyiying." Kong Chuan: "The Duke of Zhou reached out to Guan Xinyi's camp and said Zhou _."
2. Biography of Wei Shuyang and Ni: "There is nothing to be philosophical about because of the awkwardness in all directions."
3. "He Lin Yu Lu" Volume 16: "Gai Tian Dao has no relatives, and often works with good people. And those who look at the past and the present, who behave badly, are more happy. "
4. The fourth chapter of the Outline of the History of Chinese Literature: "Li Sao, when it came out, was imbued with Wen Lin, which was extremely broad and far-reaching, and the language of criticism was also complicated. Those who praised it were said to win glory with the sun and the moon, while those who suppressed it were not allowed to compete with arrogance. One was to be philosophical in the article, and the other was to be poetic, so it was.
philosophical sentences:
1. Few philosophers live philosophically.
2. It may be more philosophical and emotional at first, rather than analytical.
3. Up to now, all the existing news agencies seem to have adopted a calm and philosophical attitude.
4. I think he can talk a lot about poverty and optimism, humor and illness, writing and self, and the human situation.
5. We look forward to the new biennium with confidence, hope and optimism.
6. These famous sayings teach us to face life and difficulties in life with a humorous and philosophical attitude, so that we can find that life is so beautiful.
7. You should make sure whether she has some redeemable advantages besides her shortcomings, and whether you can still be philosophical with her around.