To accumulate books, one must be good at learning, and if there are gaps in the soil, one can plow deeply. ——(Qing Dynasty) Zhu Xia
A good scholar will do his best, but a good practitioner will find it difficult. ——(Warring States) Xun Kuang
Li Sheng on good scholars
Original text
Wang Sheng loves to learn but cannot learn the law. His friend Li Sheng asked: "Do you believe that you are not good at learning?" Wang Sheng did not say, but said: "I can fully understand what the teacher has said. Isn't he also good at learning?" Li Sheng said. "Confucius said, 'Learning without thinking means nothing'. Learning is worth thinking well. If you aspire to it without thinking about it, you will eventually achieve nothing. What do you mean by good learning?" Wang Sheng was stunned and responded. Walk. After staying for five days, Li Sheng went to find Wang Sheng and told him: "A good scholar is not ashamed to ask, what should be wrong with a good person? The biggest taboo of a scholar is to be self-loathing, and why should he change it? Otherwise, his years will be wasted. "Although I want to change my mind, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it." Wang Sheng was shocked and said, "I'm not aware of the goodness of your words. Please sit down on your right and show me the warning."
Wang Sheng loves learning but cannot learn the law. His friend Li Sheng asked him: "Some people say that you are not good at learning. Is it true?" Wang Sheng was unhappy and said: "I can remember everything the teacher said. Isn't this also good at learning?" Li Sheng advised him: "Confucius said, 'Study, but don't think, and you will feel confused.' The most important thing in learning is to be good at thinking. If you just remember the knowledge taught by the teacher, but don't think about it, you will definitely not achieve anything in the end." , On what basis do you say you are good at learning?" Wang Sheng became even more angry, ignored Li Sheng, turned around and ran away. Five days later, Li Sheng went to Wang Sheng and told him: "Those who are good at learning do not consider it a shame to ask for advice from people with lower status than themselves. They choose the best person and follow him, hoping to hear the truth!" Before I finished speaking, your face changed and you almost refused to accept others. What is the (attitude) that people who are good at learning should have? The biggest taboo of people who learn is not to be satisfied with themselves. Why don't you correct it? If you don't correct it, you will waste time when you get older. Even if you want to correct yourself, it may be too late!" After hearing what he said, Wang Sheng was shocked, woke up, and apologized: "I really do. I’m not smart. I just realized you were right today. I take your words as a motto to show clear warning.”
It’s so difficult~~~
I’ll give you some information. , hope it can help you~