Some people say: "How about repaying evil with kindness?" The Master said: "How to repay kindness? Repay evil with straightness, repay kindness with kindness." Confucius said: "I don't know this!" Zigong said: "What? Why don't you know how to be a disciple? "Confucius said: "Don't complain about heaven, don't blame others, go to school and reach higher levels, it's heaven who knows me!"
Some people say: "How to repay resentment with kindness? How?" Confucius said: "How to repay kindness with integrity and kindness with kindness?" Confucius said, "No one understands me!" Zigong said, "How can you say that no one understands me?" "Do you know me?" Confucius said: "I don't blame God, nor do I blame people. I only study rituals and music to achieve the destiny of God. The only one who understands me is God!"
There is one thing in my work. I can't understand the matter. Let me tell you slowly.
From 2007 to 2020, my teaching job has been in the first year of high school. 06-09 I am sick and miserable. I am not qualified for complex, heavy and important work, and I cannot be entrusted with important tasks. I understand this.
But for the next 10 years, Neng would rotate between the first and second years of high school every year, and was basically not assigned to the third year of high school.
Nonetheless. With professional qualities and professional ethics, I still adhere to my original intention, take my work seriously, and take my students seriously.
Although I didn’t know the famous saying of Confucius at the time: “Don’t complain about Heaven, don’t blame others. Study at the lower level and reach higher levels, and the one who knows me will be like Heaven!” But I have reached this level in my actions, and I am worthy of it. Heartbroken.
Being a woman is soft, being a mother is strong. Even though I serve my students wholeheartedly, I still cannot be silent. I also spoke out today.
For the sake of my own children, I applied to the school leaders to take care of my second and third grade students