Abbreviation for borrowing arrows from grass boats
Zhou Yu was very jealous of Zhuge Liang's talent. One day, when Zhou Yu was discussing military affairs, he suggested Zhuge Liang to make 654.38 million arrows and said not to turn them away. Zhuge Liang said that he was entrusted by the viceroy to do it, promised to build it within three days, and issued a military order. Zhuge Liang borrowed a boat, a sergeant and a straw handle from Lu Su afterwards.
On the third day, Zhuge Liang asked Lu Su to fetch the arrow together. On this day, it was foggy all over the sky, and the people across the street could not be seen clearly. Before dawn, Zhuge Liang ordered the ship to sail and let the soldiers beat drums and shout. Cao Cao ordered that the fog was heavy and the truth could not be seen clearly. Don't go out easily. Tell the crossbowman to shoot an arrow at the approaching ship. The sun has come out and the fog has not dispersed. The sides of the boat were covered with arrows. Zhuge Liang ordered Li to return to Li, but Cao Cao chased him too late. 65438+100000 arrows were "borrowed". Zhou Yu sighed after learning the story of borrowing an arrow: I'm really not as good as him!
Abbreviation "grass boat borrows arrows"
Zhou Yu was jealous when he saw Zhuge Liang's talent.
One day, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang discussed military affairs and decided to fight Cao Jun with bows and arrows on the water. Zhuge Liang promised to build 100,000 arrows in three days and made a written statement. Zhou Yu told Lu Su that he would deliberately delay making arrows to convict Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang asked Lu Su for help and borrowed 20 boats, each with 30 sergeants, and more than 1000 straw handles on both sides of the boat. The boat should be covered with green curtains. On the third day, Zhuge Liang asked Lu Su to go to the river to get an arrow. At this time, the river is foggy and it is still not bright. At this time, Zhuge Liang took a boat to the water village in Cao Jun, and then beat drums and shouted. Cao Cao couldn't see the truth clearly and dared not go out easily. So he had to shoot an arrow. In this way, Zhuge Liang got 100 thousand arrows in a short time, and Cao Cao knew it was too late to chase them.
Lu Su told Zhou Yu about the process of borrowing arrows, and Zhou Yu lamented that Zhuge Liang was not as good as Zhuge Liang.
(3) Abbreviation for borrowing arrows from grass boats
Zhou Yu was jealous of Zhuge Liang's talent and tried to frame him everywhere.
Once, Zhou Yu consulted Zhuge Liang about military affairs and set a trap: Zhuge Liang should save 100 thousand arrows in three days. Zhuge Liang made a written pledge to fulfill a military order. Zhou Yu sent Lu Su to inquire about the news. Zhuge Liang borrowed twenty boats from Lu Su. 1000 More than one straw stalk is arranged on both sides and covered with green curtains. Don't tell Zhou Yu.
On the first day, they had nothing to do; The next day, nothing happened; The fourth shift on the third day. When the thick fog filled the sky, Zhuge Liang asked Lu Su to take an arrow from the ship. He tied twenty boats together with a rope and headed for the north shore. When approaching the water village in Cao Jun, he ordered the bow to face the west and the stern to face the east. The soldiers beat drums and shouted. Because Cao Jun didn't dare to send troops on the river, he asked six thousand crossbowmen to shoot arrows. Zhuge Liang also ordered to turn around and take the arrow. The arrow was full, and Cao Cao knew that he had been cheated, but it was too late.
At dawn, Zhou Yu sent his troops to move the arrow, sighing!
(4) Borrowing arrows from grass boats (abbreviation)
Borrowing arrows from grass boats (abbreviation)
Zhou Yu wanted to kill Zhuge Liang in order to defend his country.
Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang to build 654.38+ 10,000 arrows, saying that it would take 654.38+00 days. Zhuge Liang readily agreed and said, "I will send out 654.38 million arrows in three days." Zhou Yu, to be on the safe side, asked Zhuge Liang to make a written pledge in person.
Zhuge Liang borrowed a clipper and soldiers from Lu Su and filled the boat with scarecrows. Lu Su, honest and the tail from wagging the dog, didn't tell Zhou Yu.
Zhuge Liang predicted that there would be heavy fog on the third day, so before dawn on the third day, Zhuge Liang asked Lu Su to come and get the arrow together. Then, connect 20 clippers with long ropes and sail all the way to Jiangbei. At that time, it was foggy all over the sky, and soon, the ship approached Cao Cao's water village. Zhuge Liang figured out that Cao Cao was suspicious, so he ordered the bow to face east and the stern to face west. And asked the soldiers to beat drums and shout together. Sure enough, Cao Cao heard the report and said, "Don't attack yet, let the navy and army archers shoot arrows at them."
After a while, the ship was shot by an arrow. When the sun was about to rise, Zhuge Liang ordered the sergeant to sail and shouted together, "Thank you for the arrow of Prime Minister Cao!"
When the ship reached the south bank, Zhou Yu had sent 500 soldiers to wait for the arrow to move by the river. After unloading, there are 123000 arrows. Zhou Yu knew about Zhuge Liang's borrowing an arrow and had to sigh.
(5) Borrowing arrows from grass boats (abbreviated as)
Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu agreed to build 100,000 arrows in three days and made a written pledge.
Zhou Yu asked Lu Su to inquire about how Zhuge Liang made 100,000 arrows in three days. When Lu Su met Ge Liang, Zhuge Liang asked Lu Su for help, borrowed a boat, 600 soldiers, green cloth curtains and more than 1000 grass sticks from him, and asked Lu Su to keep his secret.
Lu Su made all the preparations according to Zhuge Liang's instructions. At four o'clock on the third day, Zhuge Liang secretly invited Lu Su to board the ship and take the arrow with him. Zhuge Liang ordered twenty boats to be tied together and headed for the north shore.
At this time, it was foggy all over the sky. Before dawn, the ship was close to the water village in Cao Jun. Zhuge Liang ordered the bow to face west and the stern to face east, and ordered the sergeant on board to beat drums and shout.
When Cao Cao heard the drums and shouts, he ordered more than 10 thousand crossbowmen to shoot arrows in the river together. Zhuge Liang ordered the boat to be transferred and was still beating drums and shouting.
It was almost dawn, and there were more than 100 thousand arrows hanging on the straw handles of the ship, and then more than 20 ships sailed back to the south bank. Zhuge Liang completed the task as scheduled, and Lu Su told Zhou Yu about the process of borrowing arrows. Zhou Yu lamented that Zhuge Liang was inferior.