"Heaven is strong, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement" and "The terrain is rich, and a gentleman carries things with virtue" means that the movement of heaven (that is, nature) is strong and healthy. Accordingly, a gentleman should behave like heaven, strive for self-improvement, be resolute and resolute, and strive for strength with anger, and never stop; The momentum of the earth is thick and smooth, and a gentleman should add virtue and accommodate everything. A gentleman should run like Tianyu, and be indomitable even if he is drifting from place to place; If you are a gentleman, the measurement of receiving objects should be like the earth, and nothing can't be carried.
Mr. Zhang Dainian, a famous philosopher, historian of philosophy, master of Chinese studies and professor of philosophy department of Peking University, summarized the spirit of the Chinese nation as "striving for self-improvement" and "cherishing morality". As a master of Chinese studies, he has been diligent all his life, devoted himself to learning, and benefited the cultural and academic undertakings of the motherland, which is a model for a generation of scholars.
The ups and downs of the world are like lightning Shi Huo, with ups and downs and unpredictable changes. If you have a genius, diligence will make you even more powerful; If you have no talent, diligence will make you win everything. Fate is in the hands of those who work diligently. The people who push the world forward are not those geniuses in the strict sense, but those with average intelligence who are very diligent and hard-working; Not those gifted and talented geniuses, but those who are diligent and hardworking in any industry.
people with extraordinary talents without perseverance and perseverance will only become fleeting sparks. Many people who are strong-willed, persistent, and average or even slightly dull will surpass those who have only talent but no perseverance. Laziness is a poison, which poisons people's bodies and minds. No matter how beautiful
things are, people can only understand how hard-won this beautiful thing is by paying corresponding labor and sweat.
True wisdom is always connected with modesty, and a true philosopher must be as generous as the sea. Shallow jealousy and ignorant contempt are both manifestations of real disrespect for labor and hard work. People often say: sow the seeds of behavior and you will reap the habits; Sow the seeds of habit, and you will reap the character; Sow the seeds of character, and you will reap a certain fate. "Smell the chicken dancing and work early, and heaven rewards people with lofty ideals." Let's form the habit of diligence, cultivate the character of diligence, and reap the fruits of harvest!
I used Tsinghua University's school motto "Strive for self-improvement, be virtuous and carry things" as the topic, and asked students to write articles. It is found that although students can understand the meaning of "self-improvement" from the front, they are not very clear about its profound meaning; As for "paying attention to morality", most people can't understand the literal meaning, which I feel very sorry for.
I once told people that the best school motto in our country should be Tsinghua University's, because it expresses the essence of traditional culture. "Self-improvement" comes from "Yi Gan Xiang": "A gentleman is always striving for self-improvement." The sun, moon and stars in the sky are constantly running, which means "Tian Xingjian". A gentleman should follow the example of heaven and keep running and working like heaven. See Yi Kun: "The terrain is vast, and a gentleman carries things with virtue". The terrain of the land is thick and wide, which can bear all things. A gentleman can take the law and accumulate morality before he can undertake his career.
Therefore, to strive for self-improvement and be virtuous is to ask people to follow the example of heaven and earth and make constant efforts in learning and doing things. Traditional culture emphasizes "harmony between man and nature". Man originates from heaven and earth and is a derivative of heaven and earth, so the way of heaven and earth is the way of life. Many scholars in ancient times were able to deeply understand this spirit and consciously practice it. For example, Confucius said that he "forgot to eat when he was angry, but forgot his worries when he was happy, and he didn't know that his old age was coming". Confucius once said to the students by the river: "The deceased is like a husband, and he doesn't give up day and night." It is to encourage them to imitate nature, cherish time and strive for progress.
In the late Ming Dynasty, Gu Yanwu wrote a poem: It still rains at dusk in black dragon, and the old trees are more blooming in spring. He believes that "if you don't die one day, you will have a road you haven't heard of." In his twilight years, Wang Fuzhi was ill in bed, but he overcame all kinds of unimaginable difficulties and worked hard to write books. Jiang Zhai Gong Xing Shu said: "By the end of his life, he was ill, and his wrist was beyond inkstone, and his fingers were beyond pen. When he was still alive, he put ink next to his bed, and he was ill and usurped notes." What they embody is this spirit. This spirit, because of people's practice, makes our descendants still feel its secluded rationality and bright beauty from time to time. There is no doubt that traditional culture is rich in extremely valuable things. People seem to be able to understand this point verbally, but I always feel that those who take it for granted or turn a blind eye are still full of words. It's incredible that such an excellent collection of our own treasures doesn't know how to love and teach. Recently, I read a note that made me sigh. Zhuzi Yu lei contains Zhuzi Yu: "try to think that people can praise the education of heaven and earth with their natural body;" You can be a sage with ordinary people ... " The annotation "Zan" in Selected Notes on Zhuzi Genre published by a university press is "praise, praise", which is really a big mistake. The "praise" here should be interpreted as "help". People can help the education of heaven and earth, which is what Confucianism enjoys. This is also a common sense of traditional culture. The ignorance of the annotator is surprising. In the same book, the Zen master said, "The cloud is in the sky and the water is in the bottle." The cloud said, "We should examine the results of our actions and consider the difficulties in doing things." It's even more nonsense If people who dare to annotate ancient books are so ignorant and ignorant of traditional culture, it is not surprising that my students don't know the origin and meaning of "striving for self-improvement" and "paying attention to morality". It can be seen how far the essence of traditional culture has alienated people.
"To be kind is like water, and to be virtuous is to carry things", which means to do more good deeds. Over time, good deeds are like drops of water merging into rivers, lakes and seas and sublimated into noble moral character. People with noble moral character will be supported by people, and organizations that abide by moral principles will keep pace with the times and develop healthily. The author thinks that the reason why the Chinese nation, with a history of 5, years' civilization, still stands in the east of the world despite vicissitudes of life is the inevitable result of the descendants of a generation of On Behalf Oflong who seek to promote the good and discard the evil. Mencius's "old age and old age, young age and young age", Confucius's "benevolence, courtesy, wisdom, honesty, courtesy and frugality" and Mao Zedong's "serving the people" all exhort people to be good. From this perspective, the development history of the Chinese nation is a history of pursuing "goodness". The so-called "goodness" is "good", and "good deeds" are "good deeds" done by following the code of conduct or rules of the game that most people recognize and abide by.
finally, I would like to encourage all my colleagues in the industry to do more "good deeds" for honor and country, and accumulate "small good deeds" as "good virtues".
Great success is directly proportional to hard work, and it should be our lofty and unchangeable pursuit to thicken virtue to accommodate everything.
There are many famous sayings about reading. Mr Gorky said: Books are the ladder of human progress. There's an old saying, there's a golden