The end justifies the means - everything is for the result. However, if it is a debate, this sentence may be used by the other party.
Be determined, not afraid of sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory - the result of victory is very important.
Be true to your words and be resolute in your actions - you must keep your word when you say it, and you must do it when you do it, without procrastination.
One grain of millet is planted in the spring and ten thousand grains are harvested in the autumn. The purpose of planting is to harvest. Who said, “It’s not about harvest, it’s about hard work”?
No matter how perfect you are, if you lose, you might as well guarantee the bottom line - this is a common saying, everyone says it every day, and there is no need to explain it.
Saving the rook to protect the commander--the purpose of protecting the commander is for the final victory or a draw. If you have already defeated the army, why do you still need the rook?
All relationships that are not for the purpose of marriage are just hooliganism - falling in love is important, but the end result is to get married and live a life.
Sacrifice several generations to make revolution so that future generations can have a happy life. Foolish Old Man moved mountains also for the sake of results - otherwise the revolution is meaningless.
Losing weight is for the ultimate goal, not to torture yourself, starve every day, take medicine, and exercise excessively - lose weight for the sake of beauty
Learn from the West - enjoy the process, endure hardship, and ultimately Still for the truth. Is it a joke that Tang Seng and his disciples worked so hard?
You don’t need a diploma to go to college - you are not Steve Jobs. In the real world, you don’t need a diploma or qualifications to apply for a job.
Does a doctor perform an operation to make the patient better, or to enjoy the operation? This question can also be asked to the patient!
Spiders build webs to surf the Internet and catch girls.
The bees fly diligently around the flowers - not to enjoy the flowers blooming, but to make honey.
All roads lead to Rome - but whichever road you choose, ultimately is to get to your destination.
Different paths lead to the same destination - there are one hundred and eight thousand paths to becoming a Buddha, just like there are tens of thousands of paths to climb mountains, but they are all for the purpose of climbing mountains, so just choose one and go to the end.
No matter the southern slope or the northern slope, everyone wants to climb Mount Everest - Is there anyone who climbs Mount Everest not to reach the summit but to enjoy the process?
Natural selection, survival of the fittest——
The reason why the war of resistance must be protracted is because we know that there will always be a result, that is, victory will drive away the Japanese invaders
Love is for marriage, and you need to have a child to start a family. Therefore, DINK families, homosexuality, etc. will never become a mass or national behavior.