Original text:
Confucius was as poor as between Chen and Cai. He could not pour out the quinoa soup, did not taste grains for seven days, and slept during the day. Yan returned to Somi and got it. A few days later, Confucius saw Yan Hui grabbing the rice steamer and eating it. Confucius pretended not to see it. After a while, the food was cooked. He paid a visit to Confucius and started eating. Confucius stood up and said, "I dreamed of my ancestors, and he ate clean food and fed it later." It is unlucky to throw away food and eat it."
Confucius sighed and said: "What you believe is your eyes, but your eyes are not trustworthy; what you rely on is your heart, but your heart is still not trustworthy." Disciple's Notes. Therefore, knowing people is not easy!"
It is difficult to know people, so it is difficult to know people
Confucius was trapped between the states of Chen and Cai. There was no food at all, no rice for seven days. He slept there during the day, and Yan went back to beg for rice. When he came back from the begging, he cooked the rice, which was almost done. Confucius saw Yan Hui eating the rice in the pot with his hands. After a while, the rice was cooked. Yan Hui invited Confucius to eat, but Confucius pretended not to see it (Yan Hui grabbed the rice to eat). When Confucius got up, he said: "I just dreamed of my ancestors. I ate clean food myself first and then gave it to them." It was not good to throw it away, so I caught it and ate it." Confucius sighed: "(It is said) you should believe what you see, but it may not be trustworthy; you should believe your own heart, your own heart. You can’t believe it even in your heart. Remember, it’s not easy to understand a person. “So it’s difficult to understand the truth. Confucius thought it was even harder to understand a person.
Extended information:
"What you believe is your eyes, but your eyes are still untrustworthy; what you trust is your heart, but your heart is still not trustworthy." The article is selected from "Lu Shi Chun Qiu" .
"Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" is an ancient encyclopedia-like masterpiece compiled by Qin Prime Minister Lu Buwei. It has eight readings, six treatises, twelve chapters, and more than 200,000 words. "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" is a miscellaneous book (Confucianism, Legalism, Taoism, etc.) compiled collectively by Qin Prime Minister Lu Buwei in the late Warring States Period (around 239 BC), organized by his disciples. It is also known as "Lü Lan". This book is divided into twelve chapters, eight chapters, and six treatises, and consists of twelve volumes, one hundred and sixty chapters, and more than 200,000 words. Lu Buwei himself believed that it included the history of everything in the world from ancient times to the present, so it was called "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals".
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Confucius is as poor as Chen and Cai