Our personality, temperament, eating and living habits, and our sleep are closely related to our health. Traditional Chinese medicine treats people who are sick, while Western medicine treats diseases that people have. According to Western medicine, the causes are complicated and the cause of the disease is unclear. In fact, this is because Western medicine does not use holistic thinking to study the disease. Health concept "treatment" not only helps us stay healthy, but also changes our attitude towards life, improves our ability to get along with others, makes us love life, love life, and truly find the source of happiness. The source of true happiness is not in the material world, but in our spiritual thoughts. The pursuit of material happiness cannot fill the emptiness in our hearts. Only the pursuit of spiritual enrichment can make our hearts peaceful and solid. People in the health industry do not have clinical data in hospitals, but they can treat the world's difficult and complicated diseases. The reason is that people in the health industry know how to discover the causes of diseases and treat them as a whole. When we regulate our bodies, we only focus on parts of the disease. Watching indicators and feeling that the disease has not changed, and failing to take into account the overall changes in the body, this is the most fatal mistake. When we first take care of our body, the disease or indicators do not improve, but if symptoms change elsewhere, we should continue to take care of ourselves. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors said this famous saying: "The superior doctor governs the country, the traditional Chinese medicine heals the people, and the inferior physician cures the disease." The reason why superior physicians can govern the country is to consider it from a holistic perspective. Without holistic research, "nothing will be accomplished". The "return" here means returning to the whole, returning to nature, and returning to life.