Wang Min, Jin (351-388), also known as Jiyan, also known as Sengmi. younger brother. He has few talents, good deeds, and good reputation. At that time, people said: "The Dharma protector is not bad, Monk Mi can't be my brother." On behalf of the king, he presented him as the elder and also served as the official secretary. The two were of the same name, and the world said that Xian was the great order and Min was the small order. Giving too often. Since the third generation of Zhimin, he has been good at writing books. At that time, he was the Du and Wei clans of Fang. Tasting the four books of Qin Dynasty, he started writing in the dynasty and finished writing in the evening. The beginning and end are consistent and there are no mistakes. Zijing (Xianzhi) said in a play: "The book written by a younger brother is like riding a mule, and you want to ride in front of Hualiu." "Jin Shu Ben Zhuan" and "Shu Duan".
Also Wang Min, a physician in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (351-388). The courtesy name is Jiyan, the diminutive is Sengmi, and he was born in Linyi (now Linyi County, Shandong Province). Min Shao was smart and served as Huangmen's Minister and Zhongshu Ling. In his spare time, he paid attention to medicine and wrote "Experiential Prescriptions for Treating Febrile Diseases", which has not been handed down.