The author of Afternoon of a Faun is "composed by Claude Debussy".
Claude Debussy, a Frenchman, was an influential composer and innovator in the European music industry at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He was also the originator of modern "Impressionism" music. Music from European and American countries has had a profound impact.
The Prelude to Afternoon of a Faun is an orchestral piece composed between 1892 and 1894. It is based on Mallarmé’s poem of the same name. This piece is a classic piece of Impressionism music.
Extended information:
"Afternoon of the Faun"——L'Apres-midid'un Faune. Like my classmates in the orchestral department, I deeply love this orchestral work by Claude
Debussy. We like to repeat the famous saying of French composer Maurice Ravel: If it is possible to listen to music again before dying, I will listen to "Afternoon of a Faun".
Unlike them, my life has been closely integrated with this orchestral overture. Every note in the music affects every nerve in my body and controls the blood flowing in my blood vessels. Every drop of blood.