The strong are as calm as water, while the weak are as angry as tigers. If a person is always struggling with bad emotions, the main reason is because he does not have enough wisdom in life. If you cannot let yourself be the master of your emotions, you can only be led by your emotions and become a slave of your emotions. In life, I don't like to associate with people with bad tempers. Because this kind of people are busy, like to get angry, like to criticize others, and do not want to suffer losses, it is not easy to get along with them. I like to associate with people who are carefree and carefree. I enjoy hanging out with easy-going people. Generally such people are kind-hearted.
I just said it casually, and my tone was absolutely calm. However, when he heard it, he immediately felt angry and looked at me. He originally planned to pretend to be a shovel, but when I said After he finished speaking, he immediately reloaded two large shovels. After looking at me, he continued to load another shovel. It was like a demonstration. Pay attention to your own physical and mental regulation, make some psychological hints, and when you want to get angry, hint to yourself to distract yourself, calm down, relax more and take a deep breath, and think about calmness to ease your emotions.
The main reason is that the setbacks encountered in the process of growing up are not enough. It is officially because there is one or some advantages that he is complacent about, which prevents him from recognizing himself clearly. In fact, my heart is very fragile and I deceive myself. It has something to do with my family when I was a child. I had problems communicating with my parents and I couldn’t express myself. However, the proportion of people who are born with a bad temper is very small. From a psychological point of view, nurture has a greater impact on a person's personality. The formation of a person's personality is related to the education he received when he was a child, and also related to his life experience. .
A smart but bad-tempered person, because of his overall good quality, quickly made the correct conclusion about the problem at hand, but another stupid person said: It was wrong, and at this time the very grumpy person exploded. First of all, if a person has a bad temper and explodes at the slightest moment, he is most likely a stubborn person. The reason why a person is stubborn is caused by his way of thinking. It can be concluded that the main reason is the solidification of thinking. Due to his single way of thinking, his understanding of the world is one-sided. Once he encounters people and things that conflict with his inherent concepts.