The next sentence of this sentence is "Officials do not enter private houses." These two sentences can be said to be wise sayings. It is impossible to verify who specifically said this sentence, but the truth contained in it is very profound. of. The meaning of these two sentences is that fathers should not enter their children's rooms, and officials should not go to people's homes casually.
These may seem like just two simple sentences, but the truth they contain is worth pondering until now. At that time, the most important person in the family was the male head, because it was a patriarchal society at that time, and the women in the family were Both the father and the child have a very low status, but this sentence warns the father not to enter the child's room casually and to consider the privacy of his child.
What seems normal now is rare in ancient times, but this sentence still appeared in ancient times. This shows that ancient people also attached great importance to children's education. The last sentence is "Officials should not enter private homes," which means officials should not enter ordinary people's homes casually, otherwise they will cause unnecessary trouble.
Because the hierarchical system was very obvious at that time, there is a saying that "the first level of officialdom crushes people to death." This is true among officials, let alone ordinary people. Therefore, even if he is a small official, in front of the people, the people will still grovel unconsciously. As a result, the nature of being an official has changed. It seems to be superior to others, but in fact it is not the case. Being an official is for better local development and for the country to be peaceful and peaceful. However, many people think that officials have great power, and For this reason, he studied hard and finally became an official. But they forgot one thing. The people are the largest group. There has always been a saying, "He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world." If the people don't like you, no matter how great your official position is, it will be of no use.