2. Failure is also what I need. To me, it is as valuable as success. Edison
My most important discovery was inspired by failure. David
No matter how carefully you think, an oversight may fail, and no matter how exquisite your skills are, you will not succeed without sincerity. —— Gu Tuhe
5. Success and failure are both expressions and evaluation of results, from which we can gain experience.
6. Overcoming yourself is the saddest failure, and defeating yourself is the most precious victory.
People often think that small mistakes are harmless, but they don't know that bigger failures are often caused by small mistakes. -Shelley
If you want to succeed, you must think twice before you act. Once you have decided, do it resolutely and decisively, and don't do anything if you are afraid of failure.
9. No one is perfect and no one is indispensable. Everyone has weaknesses in one way or another. This weakness will ease his grief when he fails. -Labroue's ear
10. When I was young, I failed in nine cases out of ten. In order not to be unwilling to fail, I redouble my efforts. -Bernard Shaw