In the TV series, "Winter is coming" is followed by "Because?we?are?coming"
House Stark of Winterfell is an American writer A prominent fictional family in George R.R. Martin's epic fantasy novel series "A Song of Ice and Fire" is the overall lord of the northern land in the novel, with many vassals under his command. The family castle is Winterfell, the capital of the North, and the family emblem is a silver-gray direwolf on a white snowfield.
The typical characteristics of the Stark people are long faces, gray eyes, dark brown hair and slender bodies. Sometimes the term "wolf blood" is used to describe some Starks. The unrestrained and wild character of the members of the Gram family.
Extended information:
Motto of each family:
The Targaryens: Fire and Blood
House Lannister: Hear my roar! (Hear Me Roar!)
House Baratheon: Ours Is the Fury
House Greyjoy: We Do Not Sow )
Family, Duty, Honor
Family, Duty, Honor
As High as Honor