This is what Mencius looks like in my eyes. Mencius said, "The king treats the people with benevolence, sparing punishments, reducing taxes, and plowing deeply and easily; a strong man spends his spare time cultivating his filial piety, loyalty, and trustworthiness, serving his father and elder brothers when he is in, serving his father and elder brothers when he is out, and serving his superiors when he is out. You can use the system to defeat the strong armor and powerful soldiers of Qin and Chu!" ("Mencius: King Hui of Liang, Part 1") points out that light corvee and low taxes can not only enrich the people, but also help develop production. Guan Zhong once had a similar view. "Guanzi·Quanxiu" mentioned: "There is a time for the land to produce wealth, and the people's efforts are tired, but the desires of the king are endless. With time and tiredness, you can nourish an infinite king. If the measure is not born in it, the superiors and the inferiors will be in trouble. Therefore, if the minister kills his king, and if the son kills his father, the country will be safe even if it is small. , if we continue to use it, the country will be in danger even if it is great." Mencius also elaborated on the specific measures of "light corvee and low tax". Mencius mentioned in "Jin Xin Xia": "There are the levies of cloth, the levy of corn, and the levy of force. A gentleman uses one of them and slows down the other. If he uses the second, the people will die, and if he uses the third, the father and his son will be separated." It is believed that one type of cloth tax, grain tax and corvee can be levied. "Guanzi·Dakuang" mentions: "Tax is imposed on the land, one is taxed when two years old, three are taken evenly for the previous year, two are taken evenly for the middle-aged, and one is taken evenly for the next year. There is no tax when the year is famine, and there is a tax when the year is famine. .” also emphasizes taxation based on actual circumstances. Mencius and Guan Zhong also have similar discussions on tariffs. "Mencius Gongsun Chou 1" said: "If the market is simple but not levied, and the law is not simple, then all the merchants in the world will be happy and willing to hide in the market. If the pass is ridiculed but not levied, then all the merchants in the world will be happy. But I am willing to follow my own path." It is proposed that in the market, there is no tax on rental houses, and at the checkpoint, there is only inquiry but no tax. "Guanzi Ba Xing" mentions: "Those who entrust taxes will be a hundred and one hundred. Children and orphans will not be punished, but Liang will be used. They will be ridiculed but not taxed, and market books will not be taxed." "Guanzi·Jie": "So Guan Zhong and Huan Gong swore an alliance The order said: "Don't punish the old and the weak, and the consequences will be the consequences. The market will be upright but not open. The mountains and forests will be banned." "It is proposed that the checkpoints only conduct inspections but do not tax. Only managing but not collecting money can be seen as the absorption and inheritance of Mencius's cultural thoughts. In short, Mencius was able to advance with the times on the basis of inheriting Confucianism, constantly absorbing the advanced content of Qi culture represented by Guanzi and Yanzi, and enriching and developing the connotation of "controlling the people's property", making it a Mencius An important part of the idea of ??"benevolent government". Source: See the World·Academic First Half