The English word for Pilates is Pilates(/Pilates Method), that is, "Pilates" (or Pilates technique). It is an exercise method and skill named after German joseph hubertus pilates. Pilates' unique skill in training movements and movements created by himself before his death is called "control".
Narrow scope of Pilates: Pilates and his wife created more than 500 movements, most of which were taken as photos or documentaries and preserved. Including the exercises on the mat and the movements of the studio equipment invented by Mr. Pilates, it is a narrow concept of Pilates.
The broad concept of Pilates: Pilates is first and foremost a sport. It mainly exercises the small muscle groups in the deep layer of the human body, maintains and improves the normal posture, achieves the body balance, develops the range and ability of the trunk and limbs, emphasizes the control of the core muscle groups, strengthens the nerve induction and domination of the human brain to the limbs and skeletal muscle tissues, and cooperates with the correct breathing method to carry out the whole body coordinated exercise.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Pilates fitness method
Another name
Pilates fitness method
Sports name
Joseph Pilates