In previous lives, lonely birds and deer lived together. In the war, the deer died because of the arrow, and the lonely bird with great sadness died on the cliff. Guiguzi, who witnessed the solitary bird shattered to pieces, sympathetically revived the solitary bird with reincarnation, so the solitary bird took on some human forms. But in order to explore the art of reincarnation, Guiguzi's disciples besieged the solitary bird and tried to erase its memory. The lonely bird tried to keep the memory related to deer and lost its eyes. Later, YunZhongJun, whose memory is vague, was brought up by Taiyi, the East Emperor, and became the special envoy of the East Emperor to take care of the city-state for the East God.
In this life, Luling was reincarnated as Yun Mengze's child, Ayao. Because strange pink hair and antlers were attacked by villagers, she became a lonely bird silently guarding her. Yao was entrusted by Guiguzi to deliver letters to Dongshen City, but naughty deer often destroyed it in the city. Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor ordered YunZhongJun to control Yao who caused panic. In the process of contact with Yao, YunZhongJun gradually restored the memory of past lives.