1972: between class and elite. The evolution of the British workers' movement. Sociological research. Manchester: Manchester University Press ISBN 07 19005027 (Polish original 1960)
Between class and elite: the development of the British labor movement, this is Bowman's first English book.
As a culture of practice. London: routledge & Kegan Paul. ISBN 076 1959890
Culture as Practice 1999 has been revised and introduced. There is no Chinese translation yet. I copied the English version of this book.
1976: Socialism: Positive Utopia. New york: Sherlock Holmes and Mel Publishing House. ISBN 084 1902402
Socialism: a positive utopia without Chinese translation.
1976: towards critical sociology: a paper on common sense and liberation. London: routledge & Kegan Paul. ISBN 07 10083068
There is no Chinese translation of On Critical Sociology.
1978: hermeneutics and social sciences: methods of understanding. London: Hutchinson. ISBN 009 13253 15
Hermeneutics and social sciences have no Chinese translations.
1982: Memories of classes: pre-history and post-life of classes. London/Boston: routledge & Kagan Paul. ISBN 07 1009 1966
There is no Chinese translation for classroom memory.
Stalin and the peasant revolution: a case study of the dialectics of master and slave. Leeds: Department of Sociology, University of Leeds. ISBN 0907427 189
Stalin and the Peasant Revolution has no Chinese translation.
Before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Bowman still paid attention to socialist utopia, but from 1987, he began to turn to the study of modernity, and soon turned to post-modernity.
1987: legislators and interpreters-on modernity, post-modernity and intellectuals. Ithaca, new york: Cornell University Press. ISBN 080 142 1047
Legislator and interpreter, from Shanghai.
1988: Freedom. Philadelphia: Open University Press. ISBN 0335 155928
Freedom, Jilin people
1989: Modernity and the Holocaust. Ithaca, new york: Cornell University Press 1989. ISBN 080 142397X
Modernity and Holocaust, Yilin
1990: Assimilation Paradox. New Brunswick: Transaction Publisher.
What book is this? I haven't heard of it.
1990: sociological thinking. Give you an introduction. Cambridge, Massachusetts. : Basil Blackwell. ISBN 063 1 1636 1 1
Sociological thinking, social science literature publishing house
199 1: modernity and contradiction. Ithaca, new york: Cornell University Press. ISBN 080 1426030
Modernity and contradiction, commerce (The Lawmaker and Interpreter, Modernity and Holocaust) are also called "Modernity Trilogy". )
1992: the hint of postmodernism. London, new york: Rolls Ridge. ISBN 04 15067502
Postmodern Notices was copied into English in the library of Nanjing Normal University.
1992: Death, Immortality and Other Life Strategies. Cambridge: Political Publishing House. ISBN 07456 10 16 1
Death, immortality and other life strategies have no Chinese translation.
1993: postmodern ethics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Basil Blackwell. International standard book number 0-63 1- 18693-X
Postmodern ethics, Jiangsu people.
1995: Life in Fragments. Essays on postmodern morality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Basil Blackwell. ISBN 063 1 192670
Living in Fragments: On Postmodern Morality, Lin Xue.
1996: Loneliness again-Ethics after certainty. London: Demos. ISBN 1-898-30940-X
Loneliness again: pursuing deterministic ethics, without Chinese translation, but I got the English version of the electronic version.
1997: post-modernity and its dissatisfaction. New york: new york University Press. ISBN 07456 179 13
Post-Modernity and Its Defects, Lin Xue (the topic is imitation of Freud's civilization and its defects)
(Australian scholar Berhaz named "Postmodern Ethics, Living in Fragments: On Postmodern Morality and Postmodernism and Its Defects" Bowman's Postmodernism Trilogy. )