Haste makes waste, and seeing small profits can't achieve great things.
Xia Zi is a student of Confucius. One year, Xia Zi was sent to Juxian as a local official. Before he left, he went to visit his teacher and asked Confucius, "Excuse me, how can we manage a place well?"
Confucius cheerfully said to Xia Zi, "Governing a place is a very complicated matter. However, as long as you grasp the root cause, it will be very simple. "
After explaining some things that should be paid attention to to to Xia Zi, Confucius repeatedly told him: "Haste makes waste. Haste makes waste. "When you see a small profit, you can't be a big deal. "
The meaning of this passage is: don't simply pursue speed, don't covet small profits. Pursue speed without paying attention to the effect, and can't achieve the goal; If you only care about short-term interests and don't talk about long-term interests, you can't do great things. Xia Zi said that she must obey the teacher's instructions and bid farewell to Confucius.
Later, "haste makes waste" has been handed down as a proverb, which is often used to show that rushing into haste and getting quick success is counterproductive and fails to achieve the goal.