1. Taizong said to Liang Gong: "Use copper as a mirror to correct your clothes; use ancient times as a mirror to understand the rise and fall; use people as a mirror to understand gains and losses. I have tried to protect these three mirrors. Beware of your own mistakes. Now that Wei Zheng has passed away, it will be the end of the enemy."
Song Dynasty Ouyang Xiu and Song Qi's "New Tang Book·Volume 110·Biography of Wei Zheng"
Taizong of the Tang Dynasty commented on Wei Zheng and said: "If a person uses copper as a mirror, he can wear his clothes and hats properly; if he uses history as a mirror, he can know the reasons for the rise and fall of the country; if he uses people as a mirror, he can find out what is right for him. Wrong. Once Wei Zheng dies, I will lose a good mirror."
2. If something is wrong, make it better.
From: "The Analects·Xue Er" by Confucius in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period.
Translation: then: just; add: add. If there are any shortcomings and mistakes pointed out to you by others, correct them. If not, use them to remind yourself not to make the same mistakes.
3. Don’t be prepared when dealing with others. If you fail to prosecute yourself. ——"Shang Shu·Yi Xun", author: Anonymous
Interpretation: If you cannot blame others for not being perfect, you must strictly restrain yourself for fear of not being enough.
4. Error is the neighbor of truth, so it deceives us. ——Tagore's "The Collection of Flowing Fireflies"
5. It is never too late to change things for the better. ——Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina"