Funeral ghosts occupy a high position among all ghosts, except for the reasons of strength, because funeral ghosts have done some good things. The ghost who mourned for the funeral once provided convenience for the hero Wen Kexing and took care of him. It is for this reason that ghosts who mourn for the funeral can sit by, while other evil spirits can only kneel. Moreover, in the Ghost Valley, except happy and sad, almost all other evil spirits want to take away the owner of Ghost Valley and treat him.
The reason why the ghost is unwilling to do bad things is not because she is weak, but because she is not a big villain. The ghost mourner used to be a very ordinary woman who also had her own desire for love, but she was betrayed by ungrateful people and eventually grew old overnight. So the ghost is also a poor woman, so the ghost doesn't do anything to hurt others like other evil spirits.
A simple woman. Although the ghost is very strong, its spirit is not particularly good. Being hurt by emotion, the ghost mourning covered up some of his memories. In the later stage of the TV series, the memory of the mourners was awakened, so they were crazy for a while. However, after regaining memory and waking up, the ghost lover is still a very powerful person. In fact, in this work, the number of weddings and funerals is not much, so people don't pay special attention to weddings and funerals, but from the status of weddings and funerals in Ghost Valley, we can see that her own strength is very strong.